SM24 - Sign Up Now Closed!

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited April 2005 in Folding@Home
:celebrate SM24 NEEDS A HOME! :celebrate

That's right, team - we're putting out the call for a host for the latest computer to join the proud SMx line. And this is not just any computer. In a first for the SMx Project, SM24 is a DUAL-CPU rig! If you meet the qualifications for hosting one of our team's SMx machines, why not sign up to be a candidate? You could be the one chosen to house this baby in your home and have that nifty extra SMx logo in your sig.

Not to mention all the extra Notable Milestone celebrations in your honor. :vimp:

Hosting Requirements and Selection Process are available on the team page. Please look them over carefully before signing up.

If you feel you meet the requirements and are willing to sign the contract, throw your name in the hat by posting in this thread and giving us some details about your hosting conditions (connection, environment, etc.) and your computer ability that would mark you as a suitable host for this awesome Folding machine.

Here's what Team 93 has assembled for the next lucky host:
SM24 Specs:

Motherboard: ASUS P2B-DS REV 1.06
CPU: TWO 1.27 gigahertz Intel Pentium III (Tualatin core)
Hard Drive: WDC AC38400L 8.4GB
Display Adapter: Real 3D Starfighter 8MB AGP
Memory: 192MB PC133 (May be increased before shipping)
NIC: Linksys LNE100TX
Case: A Brand-New Case & PSU will be shipped directly to the new host


The signup period will last approximately one week. We will give you plenty of notice before the thread is closed and the SMx Committee vote is taken.

In a break with past tradition, there are no geographical limitations on hosting eligibilty -

The SMx Project Is Going Global! :ukflag: :ausflag: :welshflag :sweflag: :canflag: :usflag:

Check out The SMx Project - Reloaded! thread for more information on the project in general. If you have any parts you could spare for future SMx rigs, go here and have a look at what we need. Detailed specs are available in the attached file.

Now - What are you waiting for? :thumbsup::fold:


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Awesome! Thank you so much to everybody who was involved with getting this computer ready to roll. SM24 is going to be an awesome performer. Best of luck to all the candidates! :D

    BTW: SM24 made front page news ;)
  • Liquid81Liquid81 Westbrook,CT
    edited April 2005
    My name is Kevin Chappell I am 23 years old and have an extensive background in all things computers. I attended a Tech school where I took Microcomputer Software Technology and excelled. Even before graduation I landed a job at Computers Plus, a company based in Hartford CT that serviced 40% of the states school computers. From there I worked for an IT company and then the IT department at a local college... the list goes on.

    I realize I only just started folding, but I think I would make an excellent SMx host. I am very dedicated to the cause and I feel folding is the least I can do to help. If you guys were only able to talk to my girlfriend you would understand. Even she doesn’t know why I am so into this. She says things like "of all things that motivate you" and "what do you get out of this?"

    Getting back on topic, I actually have 2 always on internet connections, just in case one goes down (like tonight) 1 DSL line and 1 Cable. Both lines are fed into a netgear 108mbps wireless router and broadcast all over the house. I spend 90% of my time on my computer and normally work about 4 days out of the month. So I basically have all the time in the world to stay home and keep things running. I have built many computers for myself, friends, and family as well as for my side business Liquid Productions.

    I currently rent, but my living conditions are very clean and stable. I feel I am generally a good person and try to help my elderly landlords whenever possible. I actually just built them a computer that I will be bringing over their house tomorrow (yes its folding ;) ) I am a firm believer in the golden rule and always let people into my lane when driving. I rescue cats from the shelter and their hair sheds and gets caught in my heat sinks, so I clean them at least once a month (the heat sinks, cats are cleaned once every 2 months). I'm not really sure what else to say, I feel like I meet the requirements, but I also understand that I am very new and the law of averages says I won't stick with folding for. However I can assure you that law simply doesn’t apply to me in this case.

    If there is more to be said then by all means please ask.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    FOLD ON!!!!! :D
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Liquid, you have raised a good question. With all of the terrific new teammates we've gained recently I think it might be a good idea to address it right up front.

    When the SMx Committee gets together to choose a host for a new rig we consider many factors. As in many situations in life, seniority is one of them, but only one of many. There are a multitude of other things which count just as much. Things such as trust, computer competence, a proven dedication to the F@H project as a whole, and participation in the forums matter a great deal, too.

    We are likely to have a number of qualified candidates apply to host this computer. All but one of them will be disappointed with the outcome of the voting. There have been many times in the past when we wished that we could have given all the applicants an SMx rig to care for.

    The team leadership has put this project on the fast track. We are going to build and offer new SMx rigs as fast as we can. This largely depends on how much the team is willing to support the program by donating parts and money. It is our intention to be posting threads like this on a frequent basis. Right now, you have as much chance as anyone of being the lucky new host of this rig. Should you (or anyone else) miss out this time around I can assure you that there will be other opportunities very soon.

    There can be only one person selected for SM24, but for the SMx Project as a whole there have already been nearly two dozen people who have won the right to host one of Team 93's computers. We're going to need a lot more than that before we're through.

    Best of luck to all of you. :)
  • Liquid81Liquid81 Westbrook,CT
    edited April 2005
    I will keep my fingers crossed. :)
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK New
    edited April 2005
    Well I'm throwing my name in the hat, no need to upgrade the ram if I'm the lucky winner, I have 512mb ready & waiting right here.

    You all know who I am by now surely, I have a 24/7 broadband connection, own my own place, it would go in the spare room with my other folders. I want that SMx tag in my sig god damit. ;D
  • dancerdancer Blue Mountains, Australia
    edited April 2005
    I'll throw mine in as well.

    Own a computer store, live at home 2x 1.5mb adsl , always on . etc etc.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited April 2005
    Count me in too :D

    Over ten years of computer building experience, Network administrator by profession, been folding for over a year now for team 93 :thumbsup: .. 24/7 Cable internet, 21 degree ambient, and plenty of dualie cpu experience :D

    Not sure if we have any Canadian SMx rigs yet, but I have a great bumper sticker for the case :Canflag:

    Also, I have some extra PC133 and a good mid-tower case + Enermax PSU (to save on shipping those clunky items)
  • maximusbadmaximusbad The Burg
    edited April 2005
    Count me in for the drawing, I would love to be a host to one of the things that would help benefit people that have these certain diseases. Anything I could do to help I will try to do it and i think hosting an SMX rig would be a wonderful way of showing it. Also I don't know if it matters or not but I'm A+ Certified and would be able to troubleshoot any problems that would go wrong.

    Little about me:

    I'm 23 years old and I live in VA of the USA and currently i'm working on a marine base in the computer field. I have cable internet and all my computers are left on 24/7 and it would have internet access 24/7 to download and upload WU's, it's cable internet by the way.

    Also I would just like to say that hosting an SMX machine would be an honor and a privelage. If I don't win, good luck to whoever gets it. Just throwing my name in the hat, cause if you never enter you can never win. Good Luck to Everyone who enters.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited April 2005
    5 guys so far. I know more of you want a chance to host the first dual SMx system.
  • redchiefredchief Santa Barbara Member
    edited April 2005
    Just the facts:
    Old Guy. (seniority?) New Folder
    First PGM in basic & assembler code was on punch cards in ‘67
    First CPU was Timex Sinclair with 2K on board memory expanded to 128K
    (8088 still works)
    Used to load Flite Sim over Westar 4 satellite link 1980.
    Built first system in ’83 286, (when memory came in dips)
    OC to a blazing 12Mhz with 1Mb RAM using LIMS
    Built for cost for local church daycare center (community service)
    Took Windows 2.0 off cause it was eating my 40Mb HD (common sense)
    Mac since FAT MAC thru system 10 (bilingual)
    20 years Radio Chief Engineer (Radio Engineering Department= RED chief)
    10 years Systems Analyst (clue>0)
    Unix Administrator (trilingual)(rm id10t -r)
    SCO Unix / Ingress DB support (select from user, where clue>0)
    Microsoft Certified Professional (add more memory)
    Project Management Professional (PMP/pebkac))
    ISO 9001 Auditor. (Quality Management Systems)

    15 years same house,
    Kids grown, Son= Eagle Scout, Daughter =Dean’s list/ teacher
    Son in-law= PHD Genetics on Genome project UCSB
    Wife is Nurse Educator for local hospice,
    (sees the results of disease everyday),hence the interest and agreeability.
    15 years BSA leader trainer = I know a lot of Eagles, some are here, one got me interested in this, Eagles have never steered me wrong.
    Local, within 1 mile, dualie addict, SM member as backup,
    (“Once you go dualie, you never go back”)
    MTGoat within 25 mi 2nd back-up (if he is willing)
    (I’m running MB & Proc from him)

    I have spare video card, keep the other for the next box
    I have a hub, but will probably toss in a wireless card to 54Mb 24x7 wireless connection
    I have HDs (bootable spares on win 2k )save that for the next one
    I’ll have to check the memory pile,
    (I think I gave all the extra to drasnor, even the 4meg Mac sticks.)
    Will probably run headless with tightvc or Monitor has 2 inputs

    Current systems:
    Antec Sonata , ABIT Ns7-s with 2400 XP-m@ 2.4Ghz, 1 GB, HDD1 Seagate80, HDD2=WD 30, DVD 2 layer burner 9600 pro XP
    Generic AT box with Gigabyte MB, 1Ghz tbird, 512MB, HD =WD 40Gb

    Big Box .0905 Ghz 35Kw "Wireless" analog/digital PS= 12.4 Kv @ 3.30A

    3 Video Cards
    3 HD 3.2 Gb, 6GB, 8,GB
    4 Port Hub
    NF7S-2 (when returned from RMA)

    3 Cat security=24x7 security force
    Great white, 18# of power shedding,
    Orange Safety Cat 15# , Bilingual: Barks, (can be used as a traffic cone)
    Camoflaged lite weight @ 9# operates early warning system from 12ft cat tree in LR.

    your call.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    We're getting there... brings back the fight, I mean compitition for SM17, SM18, SM19... WOOT...

    Keep signing up... make the SMx Committee work hard to choose!!! ;D
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Sign me up. It can sit next to me here at the office. (I love being an admin here). We have DSL here 24/7. I promise to love it forever and ever.

    I should probably add in the bio bit...
    Been with the team forever it seems... yadda yadda yadda. I lived with IC11 sitting next to my rig when Garg and I were in college... fed it, watered it, turned it on when "someone" forgot to*cough*Gargoyle*cough... I know the drill and will sign the paperwork and all that.

    Currently employed as a news editor and have all the rights to our network so it can live here. I'll be getting cable at home soon so when that happens, it can live in my room. My family loves folding and thinks the project is cool.

    I'm in this for the loooooong haul. :ninja:
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    I'm totally jealous, somebody gets a duallie rig. I need to order that water pump and hand IC_11 down my Tbred to get some extra megahurdz :D. IC_11 will not be stomped by a PIII, or even two of them!
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Well it's time for me to throw my name into the mix, I think I've done it before but I'm not sure.

    Most of you guys know me, I've been posting around the forums since it was Apu's Hardware and been folding for quite a while as well (just recently hit 200k, w00t!). This is a great community and I'd like to get more involved with the folding team, currently trying to rally up some more production for my own folding effort so I can get back into the coveted Top 20 Producers :) but it'll take some work!

    Here's the delio on myself:
    I'm pretty l33t of course so I know how to set up computers. But seriously, I've been working on computers for a long time now, currently in school as an IST Major and I do PC repair and web design work on the side, so, I'm pretty well-rounded when it comes to setting up and keeping computers running.

    I live with the 'rents and will be living here for the foreseeable future because I still have a decent bit of school to finish up before I'll have my degree and I am thinking about entering for some CIS classes for web development even after I finish my IST degree. Currently I have a 4-port Netgear internet gateway with two open ports and it's hooked up to a comcast cable modem @ 4mbps, no problems with it, so my connection is up all the time. And I have plenty of room for the rig right under my large desk. I just bought a KVM to mess around with so I'll be able to constantly monitor it with the flick of a switch!

    So, I'm a long time member and I'd love to give back to the team by hosting an SMx rig, and I hope you'll consider me along with all these other great members!
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    We're up to 8... keep it going guys (and gals).
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Buddy J was IC_11's godfather when we were roommates. In my defense, it's not that I *forgot* to turn it on, it's just that he was a total nazi about it, and pounced on IC_11 the moment there was a problem :). That's why we love him though :thumbsup:
    Been with the team forever it seems... yadda yadda yadda. I lived with IC11 sitting next to my rig when Garg and I were in college... fed it, watered it, turned it on when "someone" forgot to*cough*Gargoyle*cough... I know the drill and will sign the paperwork and all that.

    Currently employed as a news editor and have all the rights to our network so it can live here. I'll be getting cable at home soon so when that happens, it can live in my room. My family loves folding and thinks the project is cool.

    I'm in this for the loooooong haul. :ninja:
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    I changed my title cuz of that. :D
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    I'm in.

    Amenities Offered:
    During the school semesters SM24 would be kept on campus with me in my dorm. I have a Linux machine working as a dedicated firewall/router than translates my single school IP into as many as I need. The uplink is a T1 and the internal LAN is a 10/100 network with 8 total ports (currently using 4). The ambient temperature in the dorm is a cool 69 F (thermostat is broken, won't get any warmer) and the power is conditioned by a 800W, 1500VA APC BackUPS.

    When I'm out of school SM24 would go home with me (offline for 3 hrs in transit) and would be housed in my computer room with the other machines in my farm. The home network consists of an always-on 128Kb DSL uplink routed and firewalled by an off-the-shelf Netgear router (soon to change over to a dedicated Linux firewall) and a 10/100 LAN. Currently there are 12 ports total on the LAN with 8 in use, though with my backup switch that number can be expanded if necessary. The ambient temperature in the computer room is a moderate 76 F and the power is supplied by a surge strip with a large connected equipment warranty.

    My farm currently consists of three single-processor machines and three dual-processor machines including one very similar to SM24. Of those six machines, three are dedicated folders (on 24/7, don't do much else) and one normal-use machine (on 24/7, does other things in addition). I have lots of spare parts including RAM, CPU's,NICs, graphics cards, PSU's, and memory that will fit SM24 if it runs into hardware trouble and needs stuff for diagnosis or interim use. I have one more dual processor machine coming online in the near future and one more dual processor machine coming on later (when I get the motherboard fixed).

    About me:
    I registered at the original Icrontic a while ago and didn't stop folding even when I had no idea where the team went. As soon as I found out, I came here ;).

    I'm 20 years old (21 next Wednesday) and am studying to be an aerospace engineer at Texas A&M University. I am an Eagle Scout (class of 1999) and worked for the past 5 years as a merit badge counselor at the local Boy Scout summer camp. I build and repair computers as a hobby and discovered Folding as a way to justify having so many around to the parental units ;D.

    -drasnor :fold:
  • FormFactorFormFactor At the core of forgotten
    edited April 2005
    Looks like a nice rig :thumbsup: Ill throw my name in the hat for sure.

    29 years old, own place, 24x7 internet connection, computers are always running.

    Good luck to everyone who signed up.
  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Wow, Im tempted as can be to apply. However, some of you guys are better qualified than I am. I need more time before I can apply for SMx. The knowledge, dedication, internet access, and experience are there. I just don't have space in my place right now for a computer. Some day though, I will rock for smx. Until then, Ill donate some memory as soon as Mushkin takes care of my RMA and I can stop using my back up sticks ;)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    ...I need more time before I can apply for SMx...Some day though, I will rock for smx...
    This is just the beginning. When you're ready, we expect to have something to offer you. Who knows - if it takes you a couple of years we might be offering rigs with "old" Athlon64 stuff people donated when they did their latest upgrade. :D

    ...Until then, Ill donate some memory as soon as Mushkin takes care of my RMA and I can stop using my back up sticks ;)
    We are hurting for decent RAM right now. That would be much appreciated. :thumbsup:
  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited April 2005
    Wow, Im tempted as can be to apply.

    Me too!!! :)
    However, some of you guys are better qualified than I am. I need more time before I can apply for SMx. The knowledge, dedication, internet access, and experience are there.

    I can offer it a dedicated place but feel that there are a lot more deserving guys already applied!!! :thumbsup:

    In the meantime I had a thought that maybe the Australian contingent could get together and build a SM rig ( save on a lot of postage)!! Only a thought!

    good luck to whoever gets it!!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Siggy wrote:
    ...In the meantime I had a thought that maybe the Australian contingent could get together and build a SM rig (save on a lot of postage)!! ...
    Go for it! Send me a PM and I'll fill you in on the details. Make sure you check out The SMx Project page for donation & hosting info.

    The offer to ship anywhere in the world where we can find a qualified (winning) applicant still stands, but what you suggest would be a little easier on the SMx Fund - meaning even more computers down the road. :D
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Anyone else.... still have tons more time to enter. SM24 is a great opertunity to host a kick butt rig!!!
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited April 2005
    Ack. Maybe in a few years I can. I'd love to right now, but as I'm not 18 yet, I can't. I'll be there when needed, though :)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    entropy wrote:
    Ack. Maybe in a few years I can. I'd love to right now, but as I'm not 18 yet, I can't. I'll be there when needed, though :)
    EDIT: <s>Dumb stupid idiotic</s> Kindly (and somewhat elderly) Prof goofed. Eighteen it is.

    Get to Folding, folks - a cure for Alzheimer's can't come soon enough, in my case at least... :rolleyes:

    If you've got a few years to go you might toss your name in contention then. If things go the way we have them planned out, you might be the proud host of SM75 or so. :thumbsup:

    While we're on the subject, the contract is not meant to scare people away. The team leadership reached the decision to require it as a way to ensure that hosts understand that they are accountable for the SMx computers. Many members have donated parts to make this program work. I'm sure everyone would agree that people would be less willing to donate stuff if they felt that no one was making sure that their donation was being used for the purpose intended.

    One other question that pops up from time to time is "What happens if the rig I'm hosting has a hardware problem?". Replacement and/or repair of faulty parts is the responsibilty of the SMx Project, not the host. We'll give you the tools to do the job, all we ask is that you keep the rig running -and Folding. :)
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited April 2005
    I'm sure Sally and I don't need an introduction, however to be fair to those that do not know us.

    My wife is Sally. She folds as "Jonshandbrake". :)

    My name is Jon. I did fold as "dragonV8", till competition became too strong and handed my old AMD 850 over to Sally to stay in the race. :D

    We live in Perth, Western Australia. My age puts me 40 years over the minimum requirement.

    I work in mining for 2 weeks at the time and come home for a week to help Sally maintain her "Folding Farm", amongst other things.

    Sally is unable to work, due to unfortunate circumstances and maintains her farm, which is in our house.

    We don't have a back-ground in computers, however we have lots of friends at Short-Media who have made owning them a pleasure.

    We have a dedicated room, airconditioned to maintain steady temps, for our computers. A dedicated 24/7 ADSL 1500/256 line.
    Everything runs through a network and have room and cables to add more.

    We also have lots of computers folding, which gives us backup to maintain SMX points should a problem occur.

    Guess after all this, what we are saying is, we would be honoured if we could have our name thrown into the hat.

    Best wishes to all participants, especially to the winner who will have the privilage of looking after SM24.

    Jon & Sally :ausflag:
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    List now stands at 11! :eek: I don't remember the last time we had that many people sign up...

    Buddy Jesus
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    I don't remember the last time a rig with this much potential was up for contention...
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    There's a lot of highly qualified people that have thrown their names in the hat. Somebody's going to get one of the most unique SMx rigs! (just not as sexy as IC_11 ;) )
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