How Do I disable My Router Firewall
I jus bought a new router with wireless capabilities. It's a D-Link
It's this one:
My only problem is that when I use programs like Bottornado .. the speed is incredibly slow .. I'm guessing it's mostly because of the Firewall associated within the router. Could someone please help me with this and tell me how I can disable the firewall within the router
It's this one:
My only problem is that when I use programs like Bottornado .. the speed is incredibly slow .. I'm guessing it's mostly because of the Firewall associated within the router. Could someone please help me with this and tell me how I can disable the firewall within the router
Kwitko's advice would be sound, except ISPs are throttling 6881-6889 like crazy worldwide.
word, my brother
Another thing is that it's the firewall .. the light always remains Yellow indicating that I'm behind a firewall
In advanced it has a bar on the side has firewall, and then you can set it up from there.
A good idea is to DL the program Active Ports which lets you see what ports are being used at any given time. I used it to see which ports CS:S was using so I could open them up and get a better ping. Dropped it by 40
I think I answered your problem. If you have any other issues with your router I'll try to help.
that is quiet a big range of ports u have opened up.
Yeah well...I'm pretty lazy. I'm sure I'll go back if I get bored and create seperate allowances for only certain ports, but for right now all my necessary ports are between 1 and 10000 so I just opened them all.
Bring on the viruses!