hmm, what is the roleplay in GW like in general, or is it still very much "Diablo" style speak where everyone discusses everything as a game rather than from their characters perspective?
When we play it as a team, all sitting in the same room, it is very much discussion and strategy, but playing with strangers has proved to be less than intelectually stimulating...
Indeed, I would kill for a decent group. I don't even try to find them anymore, I just turn to the henchmen. And I'm currently in a guild, but if things keep up the way they are going in it I may be seeking a new one^_^
That's it, I'm resurrecting this thread. I play Guild Wars, I quite enjoy it, but sadly I don't know anyone that plays it still and it's difficult finding good parties these days. I have two characters at this point an N/R Red the Ravager and a Mo/Wa Bob the Intern
If anyone else still plays and want's to get a regular Guild Wars night going, I'd love that. It would be nice to FINALLY have a group that can make it through the trials of Ascension with me.... RtR has been Level 20 forever but I just can't get a group that is up to the task of making it through the trials.
I just bought Prophecies and Eye of the North on Newegg because it was dirt cheap. Hopefully this will hold my interest until The Old Republic finally comes out... ok that could be a while, maybe StarCraft 2. I'll update my post once they come in the mail and I make a character.
Provided that Prophecies is the name of the original release, which I believe it is, I only have that one as well drasnor. I've been looking at getting some of the expansions but I just never got around to it. I do need to reinstall it though...
Guild Wars came in the mail today. Unfortunately Obsidian Arbiter was prohibited (wtf?) and Cheese Stick was already taken so I went with the tried and true "Look up old Starcraft hero names to rip off." method. My character is a Necromancer named Hierarch Artanis. I'm not sure why I had to use two words for the name, Artanis is nerdy enough without the title.
/me double clicks the Guild Wars icon.
R/N 7 Dr Caligari
in guild Ahriman Corps [AC]
Delacroix Veratuus W/R 7
Shujinko Kalian N/W 6
Yuri Bloodmoon E/N 10
Would you like to join our guild, The Mighty Worriers?
Still playing CoH and WoW tho. Can't wait for AutoAssault
The point of the game is not the leveling.
In fact, leveling should never be the point of any game. I'm not playing to 'win' I'm playing to have fun working with my friends as a team...
Is that why you haven't accepted our guild invite?
If anyone else still plays and want's to get a regular Guild Wars night going, I'd love that. It would be nice to FINALLY have a group that can make it through the trials of Ascension with me.... RtR has been Level 20 forever but I just can't get a group that is up to the task of making it through the trials.