Cable modem on a different outlet?
Hello all, I was thinking about moving my cable modem downstairs. I was wondering if the cable modem will work on any cable outlet in my house, or is it specifically configured to one? Any information would be appreciated.
The reason for this is that with multiple outlets throughout your house they will jack up the signal from the street, then use a limiting splitter inside the house (sometimes located inside the wall outlet itself). If you look at them you might see markings like "-5db" or "-3db" or somesuch. What this does is reduce the signal at the outlets nearest the main input to the house, and allow a stronger signal at the end of the run.
It certainly won't hurt anything to try it.
EDIT: Kwitko was too fast for me. More succint, too.
Why because if you have to much going throught the same cable line then it will start to overheat (got this info from the cable service provider/internet)and lowers your bandwith.
If you get a new/seperate one it should run cooler/faster.
But ask them if that will be the same case for you.
If not try to cut down on the number of cable outputs you attach your cable line to.