SM26 - Signup Now Closed!

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited May 2005 in Folding@Home
:celebrate SM26 Needs A Host! :celebrate

We're putting out the call for a Host for the latest in our Team 93 SMx Project lineup. We've had three computers go out to new hosts in the past few weeks, so your chances are better than ever.

The last vote was the closest in the history of the SMx Project. If you are one of those who missed out, please don't be discouraged. As long as Team 93 continues to support this effort we will keep rolling out the rigs. Everyone who qualifies will get their turn eventually. :)

If you meet the qualifications for hosting one of our team's SMx machines, why not sign up to be a candidate? You could be the one chosen to house this baby in your home and have that nifty extra SMx logo in your sig.

Not to mention all the extra Notable Milestone celebrations in your honor. :vimp:

Hosting Requirements and Selection Process are available on the team page. Please look them over carefully before signing up.

If you feel you meet the requirements and are willing to sign the contract, throw your name in the hat by posting in this thread and giving us some details about your hosting conditions (connection, environment, etc.) and your computer ability that would mark you as a suitable host for this awesome Folding machine.

Here's what Team 93 has assembled for the next lucky host:
SM26 Specs:

Motherboard: MSI P4MAM2-V (MS-7095) V1.2
CPU: 1.60 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4
Hard Drive: To Be Determined
Display Adapter: S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR (Onboard)
Memory: Kingston 256MB PC2100
NIC: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter (Onboard)
Sound: Vinyl AC'97 (Onboard)
Case: A Brand-New Case & PSU will be shipped directly to the new host


Sign up soon. We will give you plenty of notice before the signup period is closed and the SMx Committee vote is taken.

As is our new policy, there are no geographical limitations on hosting eligibilty.

Check out The SMx Project - Reloaded! thread for more information on the project in general. If you have any parts you could spare for future SMx rigs, go here and have a look at what we need. MB's, CPU's, HD's, and Memory (PC1600 or greater) are in extremely short supply. To keep this project going we need your help.

So, who's in? :thumbsup::fold:


  • maximusbadmaximusbad The Burg
    edited May 2005
    Count me in. Also i got a stick of 512mb i do believe that i could put in it. Very well cooled house and will be monitored every minute i got as it will be right beside my own personal pc.
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    That thing a Northwood? Hopefully the board has some good overclocking options.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Gargoyle wrote:
    That thing a Northwood?...
    Willamette. But you might still get some juice out of it. The Kingston ram is CAS-2 stuff, so that may help.

    I'll attach the details:
  • redchiefredchief Santa Barbara Member
    edited May 2005
    I still have a couple empty ports in the router and a UPS plug available.

    I'm in,,,

    throw my redhat in the ring.

    ,,,,,,, root?? :aol:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited May 2005
    Prof is on fire with these SMx Rigs. Get em while they last.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    this might make a good little qmd folder. :fold:
  • scottscott Medina, Ohio Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    This is my kids machine. Also a P4 1.6 it is turning in 1100+ points a week running the QMD's.

    It will be a great SMX rig :thumbsup:

  • maximusbadmaximusbad The Burg
    edited May 2005
    question, how can it start at 7:03 am and end at 2:22 am on the same day?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    It started May 2nd and is expected to be finished on May 5th. :)

    It likes these WU's, too, look at what it's crunching on my test bench right now:
  • dancerdancer Blue Mountains, Australia
    edited May 2005
    I'm in for this one too.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited May 2005

    me me me! put my name in the hat!!!

    :rant:(SM21 comes out of the other room and beats my ass for wanting an intel system):rant:

    nevermind :p
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited May 2005
    Does that make you in or not? Current hosts are allowed to enter.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    mmonnin wrote:
    Does that make you in or not? Current hosts are allowed to enter.

    nah, give them SMx machines to people who dont host one yet :thumbsup:

    when the names in the hat gets slim, I'll be putting my name in

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    OK, so far it looks like we have:


    Plenty of time for more candidates. :)
  • S_WilsonS_Wilson Meridian, ID
    edited May 2005
    Another one already! You guys are smokin! :thumbsup:

    Keep up the great work! :smokin:
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Put my name in the hat if it is not too late.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    CBDroege wrote:
    Put my name in the hat if it is not too late.
    heck no it's not too late ...we've been waiting for you! :thumbsup::fold:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Plenty of time, CBD. We'll give a 48 and 24-Hour notice when it gets down to the end, but we aren't there yet.

    Good luck to everyone. :)
  • gtghmgtghm New
    edited May 2005
    Wow #26... Keep um commin....

    I can say as part of the team it is a cool thing to be apart of. :thumbsup:

    Like Fatcat6, if the lists start getting slim then connt me in but the more new guys the better.

    For the "on the fence guys", go ahead and toss your hat in the ring... you will be glad you did. :cool:

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Okey-Dokey, here we go with the 48-Hour countdown:

    Time remaining, approximately 48 hours.

    (...several minutes pass...)

    (behind the scenes chatter: )

    "Cool, eh. When's the next announcement?"
    "Dunno, maybe in an hour or so?"
    "You gonna wait a whole hour?"
    "Isn't that the point of a 48-Hour countdown?"
    "You're going to tic people off if you do this every 60 minutes for the next two days."
    "How 'bout we wait until tomorrow then?"

    (behind the scenes chatter descends into a series of Three Stooges sound effects and slapstick violence)
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    What's scary is all that conversation happened between prof and... prof. :eek3:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Listening to your inner self is the first step in finding an appreciation for who you really are. A discovery of the self, as it were.

    Inner voice: "Shut up, Prof, you moron."

    See? It's easy! :mullet:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited May 2005
    I just know I am not going to be up at every hour for the next 2 days.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Last call!

    Signup ends tomorrow afternoon. :)
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited May 2005
    I might throw my ticket in the hat if I could fold under my name, and although I fold for Icrontic, I mean as D00D for Team Short-Media. ...But I can't :( .
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    When you get an SMx rig, it folds under its own name for team 93.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Here we go:

    From among these worthy candidates we will select the Host of our latest SMx computer. Good luck to each of you. :)
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