Web server in a flash drive?!?!

I found this on eBay, and it looks really neat!! Can you guys tell me if it would be good? It looks like it would be perfect for me to host my website on and get out of stupid Geocities!! Please check it out and tell me what you think.
Theres also 256mb models available, but the link is for the 128.
Theres also 256mb models available, but the link is for the 128.
All I do is pop it in a computer tell the computer to boot from the thumb drive and I have a web server up.
Only one issue its only got 256mb of storeage 104mb is getting used by debain and apache. So I cant fit much on my site
Well And since im on adsl my ip changes every time I connect, But thanks to www.dyndns.org I don't have to worrie about that
so how on earth would it know when the IP has changed? how does DDNS work?
cuz i have dsl, and my IP changes when i restart the computer or router (obviously). so it wouldnt always be the same. How could the IP of the server stay the same, and the web redirect/domain i have still go to the same place?
Yes they do!:)