I've decided the "random" function governing the SM Bytes is broken. It seems like I'm always seeing the same 10-15 bytes and the rest never appear. :bawling:
It is random as it uses the MySQL ORDER BY RAND() function. I think you guys need to check your browser usage and see if you are using the "back" button rather than the "refresh" one
It's also worth pointing out that seeing as YOU cleaned up the bytes thread Mr Keebler, if there is a high proportion of "Geeky1", "Thrax", and "primesuspect.".. then ask yourself why... as YOU sorted it
It's also worth pointing out that seeing as YOU cleaned up the bytes thread Mr Keebler, if there is a high proportion of "Geeky1", "Thrax", and "primesuspect.".. then ask yourself why... as YOU sorted it
I cleaned it out to try and increase the likelihood of getting a new one... and it didn't do anything.
Im afraid the problem here is between the chair and the PC