Deskstar down! Deskstar down!
I came home this afternoon to see that my computer had rebooted itself and was hung between the BIOS loading screen and the windows boot screen. It was giving me some sort of drive error. The drive (a 60 gb IBM Deskstar, I know these things have a bad track record) was making a whirring sound, with a ticking sound. I listened to a sound sample of the so-called "click of death" but I don't think that's what it is. What is the best way to go about attempting data recovery?
and make sure you're on the signup list for the settlement. They are offering $100 to each <s>sucker</s> unlucky soul with a dead drive. If you RMA it you'll just get a remanufactured drive.
I had two of the stinkers croak on me, plus two more that were sent as RMA replacements. I'm looking at the third pair and wondering if I'm really going to get $200 out of them.
Good luck, man.