How do I change % of CPU used.

Jeff34BuffJeff34Buff Lakewood, CO
edited May 2005 in Folding@Home
I just started folding about a week ago, so I'm still doing a lot of learning. I set up a second CPU today and set the usage at 50% thinking I could "bump it up" once I saw everything was running well.

Easier said than done I guess. I even deleted the console & reinstalled it - this time with % CPU set to 100. When I check task manager, somehow it's still only pulling 50%. How do I fix this? :confused:



  • gibbonslgibbonsl Grand Forks AFB
    edited May 2005
    is the CPU a P4 with HT?
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited May 2005
    Do you have a p4 if so you gota start it twice.
  • Jeff34BuffJeff34Buff Lakewood, CO
    edited May 2005
    It is a P4 w/ HT. Took your advice, started it twice.

    No change. I completely deleted all F@H & EMIII files from the computer, defragged & rebooted x 2. I re-entered the new settings when the newly downloaded F@H console booted. Still can't get more than 50% of the CPU folding.

    Head + Wall

    Any other ideas?

  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    You need to run 2 clients, or 1 client and 1 gui. They need to be in sepearate folders, like C:\folding1 and c:\folding2. When you do the install, it will ask you which CPU ID to use. These must be different.
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited May 2005
    My HT P4s run two text-based clients. I never really liked the graphical clients. They run under:
    C:\Program Files\FAH1
    C:\Program Files\FAH2

    You could set them to run as services so you don't ever have to have the window open, it runs automatically.
  • Jeff34BuffJeff34Buff Lakewood, CO
    edited May 2005
    I wasn't watching that too closely as they are 2 separate computers. The Laptop w/AMD has been chugging along at 100% (when I folded) for about a week.

    It's the install on my desktop P4 HT 3.0GB that's giving me all the trouble. I thought I identified it as unit 2 when I first ran the console, but I've been glossing over that part of the setup & may have missed something.

    This is starting to get annoying. I take it there's no way to adjust the settings directly. I HATE doing things over & over changing the process a little at a time to find out whats wrong - it's too much like working!
    :shakehead :shakehead

  • qparadoxqparadox Vancouver, BC
    edited May 2005
    I'm not sure what you're saying .. but if you want to reconfigure the console client without having to reinstall then simply right click on it and make a shortcut to it. Right click on the shortcut -> properties and then add -config to "target" field. The shortcut will now open the client up in configuration mode (just like the first time you did it).

    Alternatively you can delete the client.cfg file (I'm pretty sure this works) or just directly edit the client.cfg file.
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    With Hyperthreading, the most you'll get per instance of F@H is 50%, because you're using 1/2 of a single processor to create virtual dual processors, not true dual processors.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Jeff34Buff wrote:
    ...they are 2 separate computers. The Laptop w/AMD has been chugging along at 100% (when I folded) for about a week.

    It's the install on my desktop P4 HT 3.0GB that's giving me all the trouble. I thought I identified it as unit 2 when I first ran the console...
    Each separate computer is fine Folding as Unit 1 (or any number you choose from 1 through 8.)

    It's only when you have more than one instance of Folding on the same computer that you need to worry about the machine ID#. If you had a Dual-CPU computer you would have to set it up as #1 and #2 so each would run on its own processor.

    Since HT functions as a sort of dual system (it's not the same as two CPU's, but for Folding purposes you may treat them as such) you need to do what the other guys have told you about setting up two clients in different folders and give them different machine ID #'s. What you ultimately should see are two instances of Folding running, each using 50% of the computers resources. :)
  • Jeff34BuffJeff34Buff Lakewood, CO
    edited May 2005
    OK Prof, I think you finally spelled it out in a way I could grasp (understanding will have to wait). I've let the virtual processor trip me up on things before. I'm now running 2 separate consoles on 2 different hard drives (that oughta keep the directories apart!). Each one seems to suck up about 1/2 the available idle time.

    I think the way the virtual processor sets up is very confusing! If you get a dual-P4HT setup do you have 4 processors show up? 2 actual, 2 virtual? It's almost as bad as partitioning a boot drive then loading XP (last weekend's project).

    I hope this fix works, it seems like it will, Thanks
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Jeff34Buff wrote:
    ...If you get a dual-P4HT setup do you have 4 processors show up? 2 actual, 2 virtual?...
    Yep. :D

    Get you a quad CPU setup with either dual-cores or HT and you could run eight of 'em. :eek:
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited May 2005
    haha at first when i saw that title, i thought omg wut a noob but then i saw it was with folding.. ::relief:: ;D
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    haha at first when i saw that title, i thought omg wut a noob but then i saw it was with folding.. ::relief:: ;D

    Being that I'm a total noob, How do you change the % of CPU used in other applications, WITHOUT over-underclocking? :rolleyes:

    BTW, This is the FOLDING forum.

    @Jeff34Buff-Just make sure the machine id's are different. :thumbsup:
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited May 2005
    you can go to task manager and right click on that process and set the priority lower- that will lower it.
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