OFFICIAL Stalker: Oblivion Lost Thread!
I am wondering first off, if we can get this stickied? This game is honestly going to have the biggest and bestest fear factor of any game EVER. <--- OFFICIAL SITE <---- 2003 preview interview and extensive photography. <---- AWESOME FAN SITE WITH LOTS OF INFO
Thanks a ton... more will be posted soon. <--- OFFICIAL SITE <---- 2003 preview interview and extensive photography. <---- AWESOME FAN SITE WITH LOTS OF INFO
Thanks a ton... more will be posted soon.
It's gonna be the "sleeper" of the year I think. Kinda game not alot of press about.. but when it hits.. people are gonna saying "holy crap! what the hell is this!!? It's fricking awesome!"
Guru 3d Stalker page
Look at the lightmapping, shadowing and texturing!! If this plays as good as it looks, it's gonna be up there with HL2 for engine & gameplay.
< Off Topic > Dude.. love that avatar!! hahahahahahahaa < /Off Topic >
The developers say that the X-Ray engine can work with it without struggling too hard. You won't have full detail but it will work ok
Which says it all. Those screenies are immense. A game for not just GeForce FX/Radeon 9800pro owners
This is info about the incident at Cherbobyl:
Chernobyl - What caused the Nuclear Catastrophe?
The fatal experiment
On the 25th of April 1986 there was an experiment to take place in the 4th block, in which the engineers and scientists wanted to check if the turbines could produce enough electricity for the power plant in case of a total failure of electricity to ensure the functioning of the emergency-cooling. To let the experiment take place under realistic conditions, the emergency programme "Average protection" was turned off, in which all the important security setups, e.g. the emergency-cooling and the retraction of the brake rods are included. The launch of the experiment, however, was postponed thus the unprepared night shift took on the carrying out of the experiment whose attempt-arrangement had made the reactor unprotected.
The accident
Through an operating mistake of the inexperienced reactor-operator Leonid Toptunov, the performance of the reactor was extremely reduced just a few moments before the beginning of the experiment. To increase it, the operators removed the brake rods (which you can control the atomic chain reaction with) and total number of rods fell below allowed minimum limit of 28 rods. As a consequence, it was much more difficult to control the reactor.
In spite of this, the deputy chief engineer of the power plant, Anatolij Djatlov, ordered
to start the experiment. Too many cooling-pumps were closed. Therefore, the reactor, which was working with little performance, couldn't evaporate the water. The water started boiling and the first hydraulic bangs could be heard. Akimov, the engineer in charge, and Toptunov wanted to stop the experiment, but Djatlov urged them. It was 1.22:30 am.
When the operators switched off the electricity and the turbines stopped supplying power to the water-pumps, again less cooling water was pumped through the reactor core. The water became hotter and reached the boiling temperature. Since the reactor can only be cooled adequately with enough evaporated water, its performance increased. It was 1.23:04 am.
At this point the average-protection would have kicked in and would have averted the catastrophe but it had been turned off. When Akimov noticed the mercurial performance boost of the reactor, he activated the average-protection manually at 1.23:40 am. All brake rods were retracted at once (over 200). But exactly at this point the RBMK-reactor hit its most serious construction failure: the retraction speed of the brake rods is extremely slow, much slower than the one of the West European countries. Besides there are graphite-spikes at the head of the brake rods which accelerate the chain reaction. The retraction of the brake rods, however, was supposed to stop the chain reaction. The security system of every nuclear power plant is based on this concept. The construction mistake led to the opposite. Because the graphite-spikes were inserted first, the performance was incredibly increased at his moment - the reactor that was out of control.
Unfortunately the heat had caused that the channels of the brake rods to warp and the brake rods got stuck in the reactor core. The graphite-spikes that accelerate the reaction were still inside the reactor. The catastrophe could not be averted at this point. In the active zone a chemical reaction took place of Zirconium and the steam. Hydrogen and Oxygen were created - Oxyhydrogen (detonating gas!).
At 1.23:50 am the whole reactor exploded and everything that surrounded it was obliterated. Most of the radioactive material was ejected outside. Everything started to catch fire, including houses that were in the neighbourhood. The firefighters prevented a bigger catastrophe.
In the following weeks over 30 men died because of the high radiation - including firefighters, the two operators Akimov and Toptunov, as well as other staff of the nuclear power plant.
So called "Liquidators" (Soldiers, students and volunteers) went to Chernobyl to decontaminate the power plant, to eliminate possible sources of danger that still existed and to alter the sarcophagus that encloses the already exploded 4th block. The number of people who helped there is between 600,000 and 1,200,000.
Most of the victims died because of the late consequences - e.g. Cancer, "Chernobyl-AIDS", heart-circulation-problems and depression (suicide). From various point of views the number of victims ranges between 10,000 to 250,000! The real number will never be found out, because even today people in Europe, especially in Russia and Ukraine die from radiation related illnesses, especially cancer. There are also increases in infant mortality rate. The medical conditions of the children that grow up on the radiated land are terrifying. And these consequences will not only last for this generation.
Chernobyl is a catastrophe that will never end!
Just so those who don't know about it can get an idea about what the game is going to be about. The entire concept just scares the piss out of me.
does anyone know when thatun will be released?
I am starting to get VERY impatient.
Anyone know of any banks in the central VA area with lax security? I need an upgrade!
(See my sig and jeer at me )
You could setup a network based around cell phone network technology that updated us on our game events via PDA or cell phone (That would be.. wow.. amazing and hardcore)
I can't wait.... *Shakes*
what is the game anyways..I never plaed any of the originals, so I don;t know the story
I'm not a big gamer. I do play Sim City, AOE, AOM and GTA-Vice City, but Vice City is for the PS2.
I don't keep on top of the new games, but I do know that Doom 3 is supposed to be a major advancement over what is available now.
My Question (keep in mind I'm not too "hip" on the high-end game scene): Is Half-Life 2 supposed to be in the same league as Doom 3, or perhaps even better? What do you guys think of the looks of this game? Better/Equal/Worse than Doom 3?
Whereas HL2, graphics still very nice but not quite as good as doom, will have all the nice story stuff, great looking physics and some nice interactivity. (hell i still love the part in the trailer, where using the 'picky up' gun they turn to a sign and rip a letter off it and then fires it at the enemy )
So far my list has Stalker, HL2, Doom3, Halo, Tron 2.0, and Jedi Academy... Just hope I can scrounge up enough cash to feed my habit...