Cant decide on which 6800gt to get

I have been debating with myself on which 6800gt to get for about the past 3 weeks. It has come down to 2, the eVGA 6800gt VS the Leadtek 6800gt
Thanks for any suggestions
Thanks for any suggestions

They might cost more, I know, but in the end as I always say, the warranty makes it worth it.
So no hacking will be required and an X800XL will make an excellent slave cared in the future. But in the mean time it is nice to not need a power connector on a high end vid card that also isn't capable of cooking eggs.;) Just imagine a dual core Prescott w/ 2 6800GT's in SLI = "How would you like those eggs sir? Scrambled or over easy?"
(her old GeForce2GTS will probably be donated to my brother.. he's still using a first gen TnT card...)
**EDIT** I just noticed that you're getting the PCI-E version.. I went with AGP to stay compatible with the hardware I currently have... I won't be able to jump to the 64Bit platform for a while yet.. Most likely not until early next year... So, YMMV, but I would think the reviews would hold true no matter which interface was used...
That doesn't sound too bad, I was looking for any excuse to get a different mobo instead. Which motherboard would you suggest then? (939)
I'm looking to buy a 6800GT soon as well.
I like the XFX and eVGA because of the single-slot cooling solutions. That leadtek has a monster cooler on it though. looks like it would easily be able to overclock past Ultra speeds. But then again a nv5 silencer could do that better I guess.
/me shrugs
Ooops, another pun.
Sorry, but I couldn't pass up the open shot.
I'm sorry but I lost track of which way you were going before I jumped in here. What boaed were you looking at last?
The 200 chipset is the chipset that supports Crossfire but as of yet I've seen exactly one mobo based on it (by Saphire I think) and it was a single pci-e slot based board that's as of yet still was supposed to launch sometime this month but seeings as it was announced like 6 months ago and now ATI drops this bombshell with the new multi GPU stuff they might ditch the single slot version for a dual slot version.
The board I'm refering to though will likely cost an arm and a leg as it's bundled with a custom Danger Den waterblock set for the NB and the power mosfets...makes me wonder if ATI saved their heat issues for the chipset.
I was planning on getting the DFI Lanparty Ultra-d. Budget is not too big of an issue right now, the money just keeps rolling in
YMMV = Your Milage May Vary (you may get more or less than the same as another)
As for the cooler on the Leadtek card, it more or less makes the card a 2-slot solution, just like the Ultra. (Which is no biggie for me since I have an ATI 9800 Pro/XT with the VGA Silencer 3 on it.. Which makes it a 2-slot solution as well...)
I've been thinking of the Silencer 5, but I think I'll try the card with the monster HSF that comes with it first.. See how it goes before I decide to replace the cooling...
unlocking all my pipes and overclocking my x800pro has made a noticeable diffrence in hl2 and css.
I wouldn't even worry about it. It doesn't really run that hot at all. I had the ATI tray tool on it in the begininng and was getting 42C @ stock speed. That's lees than most peoples CPU's @ idle.