Team 93: Officially support DIMES?



  • MediaMedia Wisconsin (CA transplant)
    edited June 2005
    As a new member of this forum (and the current #1 contributor to Team Short-Media on Dimes), I'll put in my 2 cents worth.

    I think that new members are smarter that you may give them credit for. I see no reason to not have both a primary mission and secondary goals that do not interfere with the primary mission. Because of the way that Dimes works differently than f@h, they are in fact complimentory. While the goals of Dimes are not as lofty and have no potential to impact the future health and well being of people, Dimes can and has a necessary supportive roll to what f@h and all other DC projects need.

    The very nature of the Internet is changing by the second. Attempting to map the Internet and understand how it is shaped and intereconnected is important. The kind of information that can be learned from mapping the wired world, can be used to improve connectivity and improve performance of the Internet. And that can only be a good thing for tasks like f@h.

    While I am not suggesting that you take any focus away from Short-Media's primary objective of f@h, I do think that giving support and 'recognizing' the contributions that your members give to the Dimes project is a good thing.

    What is the harm in a forum area for Dimes? It can at least be used to educate the broader Short-Media member base of what a small group of S-M members think is a worthwhile effort.

    As many of your senior members here have pointed out, Dimes has little or no impact on the production output of f@h work units. Suggesting that the SMx rigs be required to run Dimes at this point is premature at best, but saying 'do it if you want' and at least encouraging them to look into it is not a bad thing in my opinion.

    In a very short period of time, Team Short-Media (on Dimes) has worked its way up to 7th position (out of 352 teams). Currently this team is producing new measurements at a 4th postion rate. We are only 10 computers away from producing at the 3rd postion rate.

    This small 36 member team has acomplished a lot in a very short period of time.

    You could look at this in another light, the success that Team Short-Media creates in the Dimes project can only reflect positively on all of

    In fact, I am 'proof' of this premise. I found out about thru seeing Team Short-Media move up the ranks in the Dime Project. I had never heard of before a couple days ago. I visited this site, liked what I saw, and then decided to move from the Ars Technica team, where I was the number 2 contributor, to Team Short-Media.

    Team Short-Media (on Dimes) can be an avenue to increase awareness of Short-Media and its services and goals. And as Martha would say, "Thats a good thing." :)


    Member day 2 and counting.

    PS. Oh, and I will be bringing 10 PCs and 10 Macs to the f@m effort over the next few days.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2005
    Good post Media.... That sums it up for me... :thumbsup:
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited June 2005
    A couple of my rigs don't like DIMES but they still fold. That being said, IMO, Dimes is still relatively immature. Should this be a reason not to do it? No. When team 93 was first started was that the first distributed project SM/Icronic was involved in? The reason I ask is that I'm still relatively new here (Almost 1 yr.) and alot of the history I'm still learning. By having 93 as our team # we were obviously an early pioneer in folding. (team #'s are well into the 30-thousands now). Were some of these questions asked when we started folding? I would hope.

    Dimes is strictly voluntary, we do have a team, if you feel like joining go ahead. (no arm twisting involved.)

    Should it be official? Wait and see, like I said it's relatively immature, let's see if the people running the project are willing to put the time and effort on their end to bring this project into the mainstream. For me this is an experiment, if I start running into problems with it, it will be dumped.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2005
    I was wondering who media was on the stats. Good to have you on the team.

    I dont see a reason now to do it. Media did sum it up pretty well.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited June 2005
    The vote indicates we should support it; that said, there has been much opinion stating that it should be optional for SMx rigs at the host's discretion and that our focus should be on recruiting for Folding@Home, not DIMES. To me, that sounds like a fairly good consensus point.

    In the past (as I recall), the team has also supported the Dolphin and Orca distributed computing projects. Just a note that this isn't our first secondary project that doesn't interfere with Folding@Home :)
  • MediaMedia Wisconsin (CA transplant)
    edited June 2005
    A little Dimes recruiting on the side couldn't hurt. :D
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