What could it be?
This is just getting out of hand and pissing me off. My comp recently just stopped functioning properly. My sound card and printer didn't want to be detected anymore, so i reformatted and reinstalled windows. Worked for like 10 seconds, had to reboot for updates and just wouldn't boot up. Put in spare HD, formatted, installed XP.... same deal.. but this time it takes about 15 minutes and like 5 restarts to finally stay in windows. Sound card still won't work, cdrom isn't functioning properly, and clearly HD's won't. I can't restart or shutdown, or ill have to wait about 15 minutes of constant restarting until it chooses to boot into windows.
WuGgaRoO will let me test everything one of his mobos this weekend, because all we can think of is this being a mobo problem.
WuGgaRoO will let me test everything one of his mobos this weekend, because all we can think of is this being a mobo problem.
Also, run memtest (www.memtest86.com) for ****s and giggles.
CaffeineMe/billmaly pointed me to <a href="http://mirror01.iptelecom.net.ua/~ebcd/">this</a> utility the other day, which is a bootable cd (or it'll make one anyhow) that has memtest, DFT, and a bunch of other stuff on it. very useful.
Well at the very least it's something to try. You can try test it to see if it is the PSU by obviously putting in a new one, or alternatively unplug everything other than the GPU, and hard drive for which the OS is installed on, (unplug CD Roms, lights, extra fans, everytyhing), then try again. If it appears to have helped, then that is a dead cert sign that your PSU is on its way out.
Have you checked all fans are running, i.e. PSU and northbridge, as from the what seems like increasing damage, it could be something like the northbridge overheating and consequently currupting lots of files.....
But it would also be the RAM..... Hard Drive..... Processor....... Motherboard...... PSU.....
Firstly remove the easily checkable devices from the equasion, i.e. Run MEMtest to check the RAM, run the Hard Drives own integrity checker on it, Run Prime95 to check for processor errors, etc etc.
sounds like you need an exorcist
If you have had it apart, look for a missing screw or stud that is not screwed down tight, mobos need good grounds to behave and shorting out a CMOS cell to ground will drain it in about 10-15 minutes. You will need to carefully remove CPU first, and heatsink and fan, to do this. More "demonized" computers turn out to be loose, missing, or rusted or "under the mobo" screws than anything else.
This includes screws holding case together, they help give the mobo mount plane in case a ground route to PSU chassis (and PSU chassis IS ground bonded to case both for safety and for mobo to have good ground).
If modem died FIRST, is possible you are seeing surge damage. IF modem died first, surge strip might be unable to handle more surges and not be functioning right, a DMM or VOM would give you voltage measurements adn tell youi if PSU is more than 8-10% out of range easily and if so time for a new PSU which can cause all sorts of things to go wrong if faulty much at all.
Make sure you take anti-stat precautions when opening case-- anti-stat strap and preferably an anti-stat mat. Also take an air-can, blow out case real good and especially CPU heatsink. "Spring clean" the comp while case is open.
I like Panaflo fans, cool and fast and low power draw for CFM, or if 120mm fans are used there is a slightly less expensive Tt of model number 12025A-1B1S whihc is a ball plus sleeve (not needle and sleeve which would wear out fast in high heat areas) that might not be TOO expensive.
Sunon dual-ball bearing fans could be substituted for either and would be fair, but the above models maximize CFM per noise (DBa) level well.
Are you saying it won't post, or it won't get into Windows?
1. Video Card: definately must be replaced... windows won't stay up.
2. Mobo: Might have to do with the slow loads (which happen on the black windows XP screen with the progress bar, bar freezes for like 1 minute, then i get a blank black screen for another minute, then windows starts and reboots. Also explains why sound card can't be detected at all
3. PSU: might be dying? its 450W enermax... can't see why.
4. sound card: i feel it shorted something maybe? i dunno. But wuggaroo tried to run it without the sound card and same deal.
I will wait until this weekend when WuG brings me an extra comp this weekend (same mobo and chip).. and i will first try running my comp with his video card... if that isn't it.. i will proceed to replacing the mobo... and then the PSU...
AMD XP 1900+
512 Crucial PC2100 w/ ecc
Hercules GeForce 3 Ti500
Hercules Fortissmo III
Enermax 450W PSU