Did i get screwed?... or what?
i just bought a ATI radeon 9600XT 256MB...
my question deals with the performance of said video card... it was not running my game "much" faster then my old GF Ti200 which was stumping me....
i tried everything all kinds of drivers turning up and down settings and it still would not run very well at all. my laptop with 9700pro 64MB ran my games FASTER! and thats a laptop!
anyways i went to OC the vid card and BOOM the core/mem was clocked at 324/189..... its supposed to be (according to ati.com) 600/250....
i supposed i might have been shipped the wrong card but on the sticker on the back it says 9600XT.... so i guess my question is
Did 9600XTs come with a CORE/MEM 324/189? i mean thats the clocks for the 9600 ORG or SE not for the XT!!!
now i was able to OC the Core to 440 but the mem only to 200or so. which helped performance but its till REALLY crappy!
my question deals with the performance of said video card... it was not running my game "much" faster then my old GF Ti200 which was stumping me....
i tried everything all kinds of drivers turning up and down settings and it still would not run very well at all. my laptop with 9700pro 64MB ran my games FASTER! and thats a laptop!
anyways i went to OC the vid card and BOOM the core/mem was clocked at 324/189..... its supposed to be (according to ati.com) 600/250....
i supposed i might have been shipped the wrong card but on the sticker on the back it says 9600XT.... so i guess my question is
Did 9600XTs come with a CORE/MEM 324/189? i mean thats the clocks for the 9600 ORG or SE not for the XT!!!
now i was able to OC the Core to 440 but the mem only to 200or so. which helped performance but its till REALLY crappy!
once i OCed the card it performed close to my laptop... but again its supposed to be faster than my laptop... any other questions please let me know.
also i have only AGP4X not 8X does this slow down the core speeds or anything?
Check the Reseller Rating:
(second review)
i pulled the heatsink just to check and saw a 9550 chip underneath!! i am sending it back and getting my money and thanks for that site. the one i purchased it from had a few ratings but that one was dead on!!! TY so much!
Gentlemen and Ladies:
Never trust an online business by their advertising! Check them out. The tools are available to learn before you buy.
4X should about halve throughput versus 8X, and yes, drivers will HAVE TO then slow down cores to compensate. Sorry, sounds like motherboard time to get full card performance.
There have been benchmarks that show minimal performance changes between 4x and 8x.
In addition, the drivers never change the speed of the core depending on your AGP apature!
I've RUN both, and the numbers are definitively bigger if sufficient system resources are there to support the 8X cards. Put not enough RAM, slow system RAM, slow card RAM paired with a fast GPU, etc, and you get slow performance better suited for use with a 4 X board. Whole system determines results, and the motherboard is the core of the system-- period. Was being a short-median, and staying short-- to do justice to a decent card of the htread poster's sort, 4X will not cut it, lots of RAM of astest sort board would take might help video PERFORMANCE some but not card itself.
Sorry, NOT CRAP, I've seen such things as almost doubling with 8X, in action. Period. With the right drivers, right monitor (like a 6ns LCD or Plasma screen, not at all cheap but available), etc.
The brand thta was posted later makes me think he got a card tuned for 4X with 8X a remote hope, but for a first response what I said was not crap. I've been studying video cards since AGP1X and before. Later, think I will lurk for a while.
I agree! these sellers should not get away with selling softmodded items like that. I'm sure ATI will be very pleased to hear from you regarding this.
John, I'm also going to wholeheartedly disagree with you on this too. I've never heard of an os or drivers slowing down the gpu and mem clock speed on a desktop system for any reason, much less because of the lack of an 8X AGP slot. On every desktop vid card I've ever seen, the gpu and memory speed are programmed into the vid card's bios and you need to use some software program like coolbits or rivatuner to change gpu and memory speeds.
All that's happening here is that this company is ripping off themainjam with a jimmied vid card. I agree with prime and lemonlime about reporting this asshat vendor to ATI for selling this modded vid card. I can promise you that they will look into the matter and do something about it as this kind of stuff gives ATI a real bad name.