London Rocked By Terror Attacks

At least 50 people have been killed and many more injured in terror attacks on London's transport network, coinciding with the official start of G8 summit in Scotland.
Number of Fatalities updated. 11:56 GMT 8th July
Source: BBC

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was "reasonably clear" there had been a series of terrorist attacks.
He said it was "particularly barbaric" that it was timed to coincide with the G8 summit. He is returning to London.
An Islamist website has posted a statement - purportedly from al-Qaeda - claiming it was behind the attacks.
US President George Bush told reporters at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles that "the war on terror goes on."
The Queen said she was "deeply shocked" and sent her sympathy to those affected.

Number of Fatalities updated. 11:56 GMT 8th July
Source: BBC
he remained in Scotland. He would be vilified. My profoundest sympathies to our brothers across the sea.
Hopefully those who planned and executed these attacks will be either found dead or alive.
(Personally, I prefer dead!!)
is reporting "A group calling itself the Organisation of al-Qaeda Jihad in Europe, also identified in some reports as the Secret Organisation of al-Qaeda in Europe, claimed Thursday's attacks in London and threatened similar strikes in Italy, Denmark and other "Crusader" states with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."
I am reminded here of why I stopped coming to this place. Too many morons.
My first gut reaction, I must confess, was similar to kanezfan's and I also thought of violence towards Muslims, mosques.
But yes, I know, that's stupid. Deaths here today may well include people of every religious persuasion, including Muslims, these terrorist bastards just don't care.
Have some of you already forgotten 9/11? I never will.
Today, we just had our very own mini 9/11.
AFAIK, I haven't lost anybody I know today, but it's very, very close to home.
My thoughts are with all the friends and relatives of the dead an injured.
Bush and Blair are right in this instance. The murdering scumbags won't win. Ever.
You disagree with me and that's fine, but you post something on a discussion board and you're opening it up to discussion. If you don't want people's honest opinion on something so controversial, then either don't post it or close the thread.
I'm no redneck, and no you don't blow up New York to get rid of the Mafia. The Mafia isn't blowing up hundreds of people every day either though are they? How many people really believed in the Japanese government's policies during WWII? We nuked them and they fell right in line didn't they? I'd rather save all my people than have a few die so I can "TRY" to make the other side act more civilized. My opinion stands, and yeah it's extreme, but that's what I believe needs to be done.
Please do tell me at what part it's stupid for the LEADER OF THE COUNTRY to go to the scene of a national disaster in the time of need. Show his support and be in the thick of things.
Now I am a rational, level headed person, so will not turn this into a political battle of wits. The damage done today to my country will haunt us as 9/11 did to you. Have some respect all of you and do not detoriate this thread into cat calling and negativity. It'l get nuked very fast because a collection of individuals did alot of damage today and it's just a small group, not the world/islam/christians/atheists/satanists or any other cult.
Forget talking about politics or views on political leaders...
This is a thread that should talk about the facts, relay information, and give support for our friends in the UK.
You want to discuss political views, take it someplace else. Remember, one of the owners lives in UK and MANY members live there too... have some respect.
This day will stick in my mind, surely as 9/11 has. Tony Blair did the right thing by returning to London. I remember when shortly after 9/11, George Bush made his way to Ground Zero. It boosted the morale of the workers down there, and the morale of our country. England needs PM Blair right now and he's where he's needed.
Yesterday was one of the greatest days London had experienced in recent years with the announcement that the 2012 Olympics would be held in the City. There were celebrations in the streets with the whole country for once feeling united in happiness.
Today was and is one of the darkest days London has experienced probably since the WWII. With the whole country feeling united in pure sadness and grief.
That contrast is what makes what has happened today that little bit more painful.
My heart goes out to all the people who have lost their lives today, and of course the families they leave behind.
Then I turned on the news to a scene of horror and tragedy.
I wish there was something more I could do, but please know that my thoughts are with you all today.
regarding the olympic decision the day before - its amazing how quickly things can change, and how fast happiness goes to sorrow.