New purchase for me!
Missouri New
Hi, I just purchased this 19" CRT monitor and These cheap but nice 5.1 speakers. CompUSA had the speakers for 20 bucks cheaper after MIR, but I dont trust CompUSA's mail in rebates at all. I was so close to buying the Hyundai 19" 8ms LCD but I decided to go with a good CRT, as they are best for gaming. I listened to the speakers at CompUSA and im sure I pissed some people off but they were nice and I made the purchase. What do you guys think?
Not very. I've got the Z-5500's, which use the RCA plugs. I guess (I think?) they went back to regular speaker wire for the generation after mine. Meh. I've owned quite a few stereo systems, and I have to say, I actually prefer this.
Why? It looks clean. Better than ugly speaker wire all over. It's simple to extend (far simpler than speaker wire, actually). It has better shielding (not that it matters too much, but still). It's plently long, unless your wiring up your bloody house. The only thing I agree on is if it breaks. Then you can't just rip it out and put new ones in. You could probably send it back to Logitech (I guess they're really good with that) or just hack it together yourself.
As for returns - yeah, you can always return it, but I really prefer to fix things myself, and I enjoy doing it. And it kinda seems to me that too many things these days are built with the idea that if it breaks, you can just buy a new one, and throw the old one away. Reduce/Recycle/Reuse. Bitches.
I'll give them credit for recognizing the problem and taking action to correct it. Everything I've heard for the last couple years has been very positive.
As far as the speakers, my daughter needs a set and I was looking at that very model just today. They look awfully hard to beat for the price.
wow i bet that would have been great for gaming.wonder what the contrast was..