I have to buy a laptop :( ... Help pulease

KometeKomete Member
edited July 2005 in Hardware
I won't lie laptops are not my forte I'm a Desktop man... But I have to choose a laptop for a friend at right around 1k or less. Does anyone have any suggestions or any great deals they know about I should miss?

Please help...

He will not be gamming but will be doing some audio and video editing. I really want to go with a amd 64 system. any recomendations?


  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    Compaq V2311us
  • rykoryko new york
    edited July 2005
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited July 2005
    I'm leaning towards one of the compaqs. I really like that Abs Ryko but he wont spend the extra dough.
  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    dell's got some deals this week - and every other week of the year...

  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2005

    Yes, I am speaking from personal experience.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    That one Gnome mentioned is like 800 and is much like the ABS Laptop ryko mentioned, but much much cheaper. He has it, he claims to love the damned thing.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    if i could id rape my lappy

    But seriously its a great lappy
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited July 2005
    if i could id rape my lappy

    But seriously its a great lappy

    Haha looks like thats the one he's getting.. With all the rebates etc he is getting it for $699 from BB.. sweet deal IMO

    Another pocket book saved thanks to The great people at Short-media

    Thanks Gnome and everyone else.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited July 2005
    Update.. Just to let you guys know he has gotten it and he is loving up, Infact he just pme :thumbsup: d from a library telleing me how much he loves it.. SO props to those that helped out.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    yea he imed me and jsut about hugged me with with tissues in both hands one for his tears and one for... Well umm I dunno :rolleyes:
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    Ah, think nothing of it...unless there's a monetary award/finders fee - then you must share! :mad:
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    Glad to hear he liked it, I just recommended that notebook to someone because nobody can afford my IBM ThinkPad T42p.

    -drasnor :fold:
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