Alienware goes Alien with PC cases
New Alienware PC Case.
You have to admit. It is pretty cool but I'd like to see the insides. If this starts another PC case design revolution (I hope) then PC cases should become pretty funky.
You have to admit. It is pretty cool but I'd like to see the insides. If this starts another PC case design revolution (I hope) then PC cases should become pretty funky.
As far as I am aware, the cases aren't. Only available as full rigs
I love the white w/ blue lights (cathodes?). I bet if sold separately it would cost too much. The normal antec/chenbro cost like $80 before.
as for the design...i dunt care for it much..uinless ita all metal..but its not..its plastic...its too much of a hot box...
These have also been out since June as a mate was going to buy an Alienware.