
BubblemanBubbleman A Desert
edited August 2005 in Hardware
Im thinking about replacing my hardrive just some quick questions first.

Do I have to reformat before getting one?

Right now I have like 40 gb and wanting to get somewhere up in the 100 range. Cause im constantly uninstalling programs for more space.

Where can I get a hardrive thats cheap for my buck but runs well and provides great space?

Thanks for the help! You guys rock! :thumbsup:


  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited July 2005
    I just bought this sucker, but I also got a $25 MIR on it. I think there's a 160gig for $40 in the Deal Depot forum.
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited July 2005
    7200rpm Seagate hard drives going on sale at Circuit City and Best Buy.

    -Circuit City-
    Seagate 120gb - $99.99 - $30MIR - $30MIR = $39.99
    Seagate 160gb - $119.99 - $40MIR - $30MR = $49.99
    Seagate 300gb - $199.99 - $40MIR - $40MIR - $20instant = $99.99

    -Best Buy-
    Seagate 120gb - $99.99 - $40MIR - $20MIR = $39.99
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    Storage has never been this inexpensive.
  • BubblemanBubbleman A Desert
    edited July 2005
    Leonardo wrote:
    Storage has never been this inexpensive.

    Well im looking for a cheap hardrive on newegg well the cheapest at least....
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    I really don't think you can top the deals Circuit City and CompUSA have going right now. If you can, please post it for us.
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited August 2005
    they sell 40gigs for about 55, and 80 gigs for like 58 on newegg, i got 4 300 gig hard drives comming for only $147 a piece, which is a totally kick ass deal, ~ $.50 a gig, id get nothing less than a 250 gig hard drive, the interface changs the price by like $2. from ATA 133 to SATA is like no difference in $$ but if you have the ports get SATA.

    FYI newegg is getting Hitachi Deskstar 500 gig drives in on 8/2 for ~$350


  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited August 2005
    Armo wrote:
    FYI newegg is getting Hitachi Deskstar 500 gig drives in on 8/2 for ~$350
    awesome! i had read about those but had no idea when they were coming.
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