This week it's not supposed to rain so I'm going to try to pick up another computer from the dump to use as a folder. I wanted to wait for a week like this so I don't risk picking up a soaked machine that'll blow up on me. Chances are that if the HD is any good it'll be a little one (under 2GB), so Linux would probably be the best OS. I've also heard that Linux uses less CPU cycles than Windows does, which will be good, since it's going to have a small processor. People have told me that I should download Suse, but I want to make sure it's compatible with FAH. Sanford says FAH is compatible with x86 Linux. How do I know if it's x86?
Also I'm going to need some installation instructions. The site says to download all the files and burn them to a disk. However, all of these files are located in subdirectories, not in the root of the disk. Will they autorun and install when I put the CD in the drive? Finally, is there any place where I can download it from HTTP? FTP confuses the hell out of me and I can't figure out how to download from it.
BTW: This time I'll make sure I don't pick up an AT System so I can have a keyboard for it.
Also I'm going to need some installation instructions. The site says to download all the files and burn them to a disk. However, all of these files are located in subdirectories, not in the root of the disk. Will they autorun and install when I put the CD in the drive? Finally, is there any place where I can download it from HTTP? FTP confuses the hell out of me and I can't figure out how to download from it.
BTW: This time I'll make sure I don't pick up an AT System so I can have a keyboard for it.
Okay, if you're looking for .exe's, Linux is not for you, Linux doesn't use .exe binary packaging.
x86 Linux refers to distros made to run on x86 archetectures. That's be your P4s, AMDs, 486s, 386s, and maybe even 286s. Get it? x86?
This isn't a flaming of a Linux newbie, as I know that it's very easy to get discouraged before you jump into Linux, but you may save yourself some grief expanding your technical vocabulary before attempting to dive into linux, learning terms like "man-pages" and such.
So for installing the distro, boot from the CD, it doesn't matter that there aren't DOS/Windows executable files on the CD, it'll boot up for ya just fine.
Your best bet to getting into Linux or any *NIX, or a BSD, is to find a friend who's worked with at least one of the above, as that knowledge is rather transitionable, whereas windows knowledge will be totally unapplicable.
I'll try to answer future questions in a less confrontational manner, but this will not be just smooth sailing, as the differences between Windows & Linux are what make Linux such a good choice for some things, and Windows for some others.
Hope this helped answer your main two questions.
But, as I don't know what program you used to burn the CD, I can't assert that this is the case, if it won't take, then you may need to re-burn it. You cannot upgrade a windows computer to Linux while in Windows, you do need to do a cold-boot from another source, and also note you will more than likely have to reformat the drive, so with your new PC, explore first, install second, just to make sure you're not missing out on anything good.
If the new SuSe installer prompts you for how you want the drive formatted, good answers are EXT3 and EXT2, not FAT in any form. : )
You'll need to install linux from outside of windows - it is an operating system. Boot from the CD like you would installing any other OS.
I used to use Reiser, but when I recently redid my web/file/media server I switched to Ext3. Now it may just be my imagination, but it seems to me that with Ext3, WinAMP seeks through MP3s much faster, and jumping around in a large video is also faster.
It's hard to notice any changes with Apache, however.
I'm not going to say anything else, since I'm just as much of a Linux n00b as you are.
In the mean-time, this will give more of a chance to ask questions.
How does the Internet work with Linux? Does it come preinstalled with the OS, or how do I get it and install it?
I connect to Cable through a router. How would I install FF or Mozilla without being online first?
make sure sshd is installed (lets you access the machine remotely - usually comes installed)
I've never had problems connecting to the 'net via a lan with linux, so you should just be able to get on - there are text browsers (lynx, elinks, others as well) that are usually installed by default, or you can just use wget (it downloads whatever file you give it as an argument).