Progress sucks

Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
edited June 2003 in Hardware
My dually system runs 2 IBM Ultrastar 10,000RPM SCSI drives... they benchmark ~20000kbps in sisoft. My new 80gb 7200rpm Maxtor IDEs on my KX7 do <3,000kbps off the reference 15k rpm scsi drive, and they AREN'T raided... they do 40,000kbs+ each :wow:

I paid $500 and $300 for the IBM 36.7GB and 18.2GB SCSIs respectively something like 2 or 3 years ago. I paid <$200 for the Maxtors, and if I could find my recipts I could have gotten them for $60 each... :banghead:

Progress sucks. :banghead:

(of course now I have a reason to buy some WD Raptors or something... :D )


  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited June 2003
    Erm... My Seagate 'CudaIII's that are two years old do 35 to 40MB/s non-RAIDed. 7200RPM ATA100 drives. I don't think you can even buy them anymore, they've been replaced by 'CudaIV's.

    You must have bought your SCSI drives closer to 3 years ago than 2 - At least I hope that's when you bought them, for your sake. ;)
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited June 2003
    I don't remember now. It was when the 1.4GHz T-Bird, A7M-266, and GeForce3 were cutting edge technology... so it would've been 2001...
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited June 2003
    I got my CudaIII's when the AXIA (1000 - 1333 Mhz) and KK266R were king!

    GeForce 3... What the hell is a GeForce 3!? ;)
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