I have a Presario s5295 (AMD 2500+), and I have apparently killed the MB with a bad BIOS update.
Can anyone who has successfully replaced the A7N8X-LA tell me about it ?
I know the choice is limited because it's µ (micro) ATX
Help !! (pretty please)
Thanks for the info. I've been told that the main problem is connecting the Presario front panel power button, usb, microphone etc holes (?) to the mb.
Love to hear from someone who has done this
Should be almost the same as your other one.
As far as the front panel connectors go, you might be able to adapt your present ones to the boards I linked to. I've taken those integrated FP connectors apart before to where I could connect the individual wires to the proper spots on the mobo when replacing an oem board with an aftermarket board in the past. As long as you don't damage the little metal thing inside those integrated plugs that slips over the pins you are good to go.
In the meantime, HP has contacted me and yesterday took my machine back for free repair !
So, fingers crossed - I'm DYING to see which BIOS they're going to give me..