Raid disks?
Hi, I am a newbie with a newbie question. I've been lurking around this board for a day and have a question. I'm about to use the raid on my new MSI mobo. I have a western digital 120gb ATA 100 hard disk and a 120gb ata-133 maxtor drive. Can these be used in a raid 0? I read the faq and it recomends two idential drives but dosen't mention what happens if I ignore the recomendation. Any ideas? Thanks!
Welcome to short-media forums, digilaw - the home of the pointless smart-ass reply
Okay, now seriously:
The only downside is that you will lose 20gb of capacity on the 120gb disk, and your array will only operate at ATA100 (the slowest drive on the chain). You will probably get better performance just from using the single 120gb ata133. It will be slower, in your case, to use RAID 0.
For some reason, I saw the ATA100 and my brain went : 1x120gb disk and 1x100gb disk.
My recommendation is, if you've got the time, try it and see what it's like, use Sandra and ATTO to get a better idea of how fast it's running and then post your scores, we'll then be able to give you the definitive answer.
...and of course Welcome to SHORT-MEDIA.
That may be something I know a little about.
The overall speed difference between ATA100 and ATA133 will most likely be negligable for "feel". A lot of benchmarks do show a small difference but overall it is negligable.
The old saying goes that you are only as good as your weakest link. Nevermind if the controller is ATA133 or not...the two disks will run at ATA100 speeds. On the EIDE level this will not be a concern vs. ATA133.
My strongest suggestion is to run the programs and OS off a single disk with the VIDEO disk as the RAID 0 array. It isn't the OS and programs that need blazing is the raw video data that must be read from/written to the disks.
As always dual processors will assist greatly with effect and timeline rendering and a third party card such as the Matrox RTX10 or RTX100 will be of a greater benefit. The video card does not play as paramount role in video editing compared to that of gaming.
Want to know more? Read this.
Hope this helps. And welcome to the forums.
SCSI is nice but $$$$$$$$$ Especially when you think about how much drive space you'll need. Medea delivers solid external scsi raid arrays for $3,299 USD for 240 GB and 480 GB for $3,999 VIDEORAID RTRX
btw... digilaw, I'd go with MM's recommendations before my own... he knows a great deal more about this than I do.
If you mean RAID 1, you will experience no performance increase whatsoever. If you mean RAID 5, you will experience a significant performance decrease.
What I meant was, will this RAID configuration be worth it for running games and such, or should I just use 160GB of HDD space? Also, since I'm new at this, please forgive my stupid question: Do the two drives need to be put on seperate RAID channels, or can I plug them into the Master and Slave plugs on the same cable?