New Dell Laptop - Performance Very slow

Just purchased a new Dell Inspirion 700M laptop for my colege bound daughter.
The performance seems really slow. Thiis is not just internet related. All programs are slow. I have a cable modem. The laptop (2 months old) has:
512MB of RAM
80Gig hard Drive (74G free)
Window XP professional
I have run Macafee AntiVirus, Spybot, Adaware & MS Antispyware, no viruses or spyware detected. Also ran disk clean-up & defrag.
Any thoughts around this before I call Dell support? My other computers, 3 other laptops and 2 desktop system on my home network are all fine.
The performance seems really slow. Thiis is not just internet related. All programs are slow. I have a cable modem. The laptop (2 months old) has:
512MB of RAM
80Gig hard Drive (74G free)
Window XP professional
I have run Macafee AntiVirus, Spybot, Adaware & MS Antispyware, no viruses or spyware detected. Also ran disk clean-up & defrag.
Any thoughts around this before I call Dell support? My other computers, 3 other laptops and 2 desktop system on my home network are all fine.
Is this on A/C or battery. Someone at school has a Dell and it lowers the FSB instead of the multiplier like it should. I have the 8600 from Dell and mine lowers the multiplier.
I would actually uninstall a lot of the crap that comes preinstalled on the Dell. I said screw it once I got mine and reformatted since there was so much crap on it that I didnt need.
Can you do a ctr-alt-del, click on processes, and do a screenshot for us? It does sound like you've got a lot of activity running in the background. The big computer makers love to stuff their machines full of next-to-useless programs.
1. Performance is slow whether on battery or AC (usually its plugged in)
2. Room Temperature not an issue as its usually in an air conditioned room.
3. There are in fact a lot of processes running, I have attached a document with the current screen shot (for some reason I couldn't copy and paste it here).
Please review and let me know next steps. Thanks again for all the help.
p.s. do you know why I couldn't paste right into the message? I had to send a word doc image?
If you have those programs, then theres no need at all for programs like McAffee or Norton.
Recommend the free program AVG. Many of us here run it. It is excellent. AVG does not update their virus definition files as often as Symantec and McAffee, but the program is still very good.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know that anti spyware software is not enough. I have loaded AVG software and ran it along with Spybot, Ad-aware & MS Antispy. Good news, no viruses.
I also eliminated Macafee & Weatherbug (comes with AOL) from the laptop. Seems tobe running better but do you think I should upgrade the memory, I have 512MB RAM?
There is nothing wrong with IE. Its fine.
There are A LOT of files running on your computer. I dont have near that many with a bunch of programs running at once.
I would suggest uninstalling any programs you do not intend to use that were reinstall on the Dell and stop any others from starting that are not necessary all the time. There will probably be a few things in your 'Start Up' folder in the Start Menu.
Also if you go to Run, type in msconfig a program will open. Go to the startup tab and post a screenshot with the listing of programs that start with the system. Most likely there will be QuickTime, and Realplayer, and some other junk that is not needed to operate the Dell as intended.
Weatherbug has some spyware and I couldnt believe that some of that junk came with the Dell Laptop.
512 is enough, thats what I have in my Dell Laptop and it does anything but play games. WoW lags from the lack of RAM but other than that with my constant use I dont run out of RAM.
Yes you still need an anti-virus program, but AVG is just as good if not better than McAfee/Norton- those programs are so evil. Take up all your mem/cpu usage, and do nothing. :shakehead
they ain't cheap, but they exist.
other than that, get rid of all the stuff that you do not need. weather bug being one of them. and abunch of stuff that youll never use. I dont particulary like real player, but keep it if you like. depending on your circumstances, i would try and get a 5400 rpm hdd if not a 7200 hdd. simply because that will most likely give you the most visible performance increase., you said you had 512 mb of memory, am i right? as long as you dont intend to be playing games, you will be just fine with 512.
Good luck on getting that laptop up to speed.