Successful Overclock!
Every time I try to overclock something, I miserably fail. Until today. I downloaded the Rage3D Tweak for CCC, and I got a stable overclock!!
This is still on my 9800pro. Stock is 378/337. I was able to keep it stable w/o artifacts at 411/391. Once I went higher on either, I started getting immediate artifacts.
I'm going to go play some CS:S now and see how horrible it looks!!!
Here's the proof
This is still on my 9800pro. Stock is 378/337. I was able to keep it stable w/o artifacts at 411/391. Once I went higher on either, I started getting immediate artifacts.
I'm going to go play some CS:S now and see how horrible it looks!!!
Here's the proof
Careful - the OC'ing bug can be contagious!
I dont think my card is ANY good at overclocking, mainly because the stock heatsink is there, and on very loosely. The last time I tried to fix it by taking the heatsink off, I put a big scratch on the pcb board right across a wire. Luckily it didn't damage the card, but I dont want to mess with the heatsink anymore.
Not worth the money.
Save it and go for a new card.
You'll see the 9800pro in the depot in a few days
Just wondering, but what games are you playing on it and how big a difference do you really see? I'm not talking about FPS, just what you can spot with your own eyes.