PS3 GPU Less Powerful Than a GeForce 7800?
At the core of forgotten
The Inquirer is reporting that an nVidia spokesperson was quoted in PlayStation Magazine saying that the RSX GPU used in Sony's upcoming console is slightly less powerful than a GeForce 7800.
This puts paid to the rumours that the RSX was basically an off-the-shelf 7800 chipset, though the big news is in the "RSX is slightly less powerful" part of the statement. If one was to do some quick graphics card math, this would mean that the RSX chip powering the PlayStation 3 is less powerful than two GeForce 6800's running in SLI mode – as the 7800 is – and according to Microsoft and ATi, the Xbox 360 GPU is more powerful than the same SLI combo.
Update: This article on the TeamXBOX site seems to debunk the rumor.
Source: The Inquirer
This puts paid to the rumours that the RSX was basically an off-the-shelf 7800 chipset, though the big news is in the "RSX is slightly less powerful" part of the statement. If one was to do some quick graphics card math, this would mean that the RSX chip powering the PlayStation 3 is less powerful than two GeForce 6800's running in SLI mode – as the 7800 is – and according to Microsoft and ATi, the Xbox 360 GPU is more powerful than the same SLI combo.
Let the pre-release console flame wars commence!It's all awfully confusing we know, though it is an interesting tech mystery to try and get to the bottom of. Of course Microsoft and Sony engineers all know exactly what's in the difference between the two consoles, but the marketing people want to tell us that their console is twenty times better than everyone elses, so we must wait until someone rips the two boxes open and benchmarks them, at which point we can search through our archives and head off to get the "Well what we really meant..." speeches from the PR folks
Update: This article on the TeamXBOX site seems to debunk the rumor.
NVIDIA contacted us today after we published the "PlayStation 3 GPU Less Powerful than GeForce 7800" story based on a report found at The Inquirer. Derek Perez, NVIDIA's Director of Public Relations, was kind enough to provide us the actual paragraph from the September issue of PSM. Here is the information from the blurb in question:
There's no doubting that NVIDIA's new 7800GTX is the ultimate in PC graphics technology. The card's G70 GPU, which is more than twice as powerful as two of NVIDIA's previous top-of-the-line 6800 boards, shares a lot of similar workings with the PS3's RSX chip - only it isn't as fast. Oh, and it retails for $599.
The article actually says the GeForce 7800 GTX is not as fast as the RSX graphics processing unit that NVIDIA developed for the PlayStation 3.
Source: The Inquirer
The question still comes down to the games. If the chip in the 360 is more powerful, will the games be able to demonstrate that difference?
And still people, $300 for a system that can do what a $1000 computer can do? Lots of people will be all over (all three consoles, that is).
Nvidia up in arms at Playstation 3 SNAFU
Can't say I'll be doing CAD work or my accounting on a Playstation anytime soon... :rolleyes2
I hope you realize that I was talking in terms of a gaming machine and/or media center, and that you were just trying to be funny
(p.s.) I don't know if its true, but I couldn't resist =D.
Nintendo is very good at making consoles / platforms that hit a much different audience than Sony + MS. But I'm not gonna even begin to claim that Nintendo hardware is in anyway technologically superior (or even that close).
And Mario Party sucks, pay no attention to that game
Wait for the new Zelda, then call the Gamecube a pile of junk
While the new Zelda game looks better than the last ones, I've been out of the loop on Zelda for too long to get excited about the new game. The last one I played was on SNES.
I second that and post it again but mine blinks (unless your on msie)
<blink>NINTENDO SUCKS</blink>
I can easily live without Zelda, but not without FF
Doesn't blink in Opera either
I'm an equal opportunity offender in my use of obnoxious tags. You might even say I'm rather generous -- I'm cross-platform!
But when people say the Gamecube is a kiddy system I want to go on a ****ing rampage
Here, let me save you the trouble.