Signs of folding addiction?

TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
edited September 2005 in Folding@Home
I found this on another site. Add to it if you can think of anything. Probably the worst thing I do is that I have my Dell Latitude CPi-A366XT (366 P2) laptop folding - IN THE REFRIGERATOR TO KEEP IT COOL!!! Yes, I'm serious about that. I'm single, so I can do this.:thumbsup:

Here's the list I found:

So, a few minutes ago, I'm sitting here monitoring my boxes, watching the Frames Completed count go up; suddenly it occured to me: "I'm sitting here monitoring my boxes, watching the Frames Completed count go up!"

I came up with a few signs that you may be taking Folding a bit too seriously....feel free to add to the list.

Some Signs That You May Be Taking Folding Too Seriously

- You sit there, thumbing thru your KVM/Remote Desktops, watching the Frames Completed count move upwards...and you're happy about that!

- You ask the boss if you could run a "helpful to society distributed computing project" on the Admin LAN boxes after work hours. After he says no, you ask "Well, how about only on the weekends then?

- You've turned all your "main boxes" at home into Folders; and you unearthed a few relics thinking "Yeah...I could get a WU or two per month out of this PII-300!"

- You unearth yet another box and wonder "Will F@H run on Windows 3.1?"

- You're e-shopping for print cartridges for your printer at home...when suddenly you see The Deal of the Century on some POS motherboard/CPU combo...a week later when it arrives via FEDEX, you realize you spent the money for the ink on the motherboard/CPU combo...and you're happy about that!

- You've left late for work twice this week b/c you wanted to watch a WU finish and make sure the dang server at Stanford wasn't shut off/not responding/your firewall is blocking it again.

- You check your stats more than once a day...and know exactly what time all your WUs should've finished and you wonder why you haven't moved up in the rankings any?

Running multiple dedicated power lines, direct from the breaker box,
to support the number of computers that you have folding.

Old laptops are stacked on the desk -- folding.

You build your favorite nephew a gaming rig...with Xeons and plenty of RAM...not because he needs to play BattleField 2...but rather so it can fold for 3074.

You decide to change all your machines over to Linux cause you heard Linux folds faster

How about cleaning out the front glassed in porch that you used for storage to make room for more machines. THEN running new power lines dedicated to that room and the folders.


Buying a generator to backup the UPS's cause they can only sustain the folding machines for 50 minutes...

Then.. spending two weekends adjusting the generator so its output is good and clean and steady so as not to disturb the folding machines.

Buying two new window air conditioners to keep the two computer rooms cool in the summer.


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    - You've turned all your "main boxes" at home into Folders; and you unearthed a few relics thinking "Yeah...I could get a WU or two per month out of this PII-300!"
    Here's another one. You buy a 128MB module of PC100 RAM from dear old Leo, who thought he'd probably have to give it away! ;D
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