Over clocking a dell dimension 4600

edited September 2005 in Hardware
I know dell's suck for OCing but once I had found an app that when you chose the right settings you could over clock it a bit (and in fact windows did show a speed increas for me) Problem is I dont recall what app it is, or what the setting was. Also I dont know what temps I am or would be running at.

Anyone have suggustions? Keeping the laughing to a minimum of course..I know its a dell.


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    We wouldn't laugh because it's a Dell. There are very few factory computers that are overclocking friendly, simply because of the architicture of the machines and the choice of cooling and motherboards. The manufacturers can't put the hotrod parts in their boxes because they'd price out the ordinary user.

    I looked on Google for a Windows-based overclocking utility for you. I only found such utilities for specific motherboard brands, not one specifically for Dell. I have no idea the brand and specifications of the motherboard in your Dell.

    I won't laugh, but will provide advice. I would avoid overclocking a branded computer. Even though Dell uses better (or used to, anyway) components than some of its competition, their computers just aren't designed for overclocking. Specifically, the motherboard may not have that flexibility, the cooling is not robust, and the RAM doesn't have much leeway for higher speeds.

    If you must try it - at your own risk!, you might wish to check out this article I found, written for people in your position - name brand computers and Windows-based OC utilities.
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