One-bit Music
Tristan Perich, a musician and geek, has created a form of music that encodes entire songs in 1-bit streams, along with a player housed in a CD case. This player contains an entire album of music on an 8kb chip. They will be sold online and in stores for $20 to $25 each.
Source: Wired
The wired article contains some demo tracks for your aural enjoyment.Clearly in his element, Perich turned on a One Bit track, filling the darkened, standing-room-only Chelsea gallery room with blips and beeps. Though reminiscent of old-school Nintendo games, the music sounded fuller than expected, given the size of the device's chip.
Yet, it is one-bit music, Perich said, meaning at any moment in time the music is represented by just one bit of information.
Perich handed an audience member a console with a pair of headphones, which slowly made its way around the room while he spoke.
The project gets to the root of electronic music, he said, as all the sounds are written as MIDI files in the zeros and ones of binary code.
"The kind of extremely digital nature of binary information is what I was getting at," he explained.
Source: Wired
Agreed. I totally dig it.
(and that guy has the same name as me, only spelled different)
It was linked to my "pumped" thread, so I checked it out. I downloaded one of the files from the link and it made my ears bleed a little.