F@H Contest - We Made It To 50,000,000!



  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Just a reminder:

    While the random drawing part of the contest is open right up until the point we hit 50 Million, the prediction phase will close at Midnight CDT on October 14th - just a few hours over one week from now. Make sure you send me a PM with your guess.

    Currently, Team 93 stands at 48,654,709 points. :thumbsup:

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Who else is in?

    The jackpot(s) have risen a bit. Who will be among the lucky winners? :D

    BTW: Thanks for all of the great ideas for improving The Team. We are definitely on the upswing! :thumbsup::fold:
  • DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
    edited October 2005
    A. Ever since Dr. Belle educated me on the Folding @ Home program I have been actively recruiting people to join. Since June of 2005 there has been 10+ people to join team #93 from the OldPreMeds group. In my opinion, this is FAR short of where we should be. I have been encouraging friends, family, and co-workers to check out the program and to ask if they have any questions. I will admit that I haven't been as *pushy* as I should have been. And before you all say that I shouldn't be pushy, I wholeheartedly disagree! Folding @ home is something that will benefit ALL of us in some way or another. We should ALL be pounding this in to everyone's heads that we know!! Anyway, my goal is to get 20+ member from OPM to join team #93 by the end of the year. I have an idea of a contest I am going to run over at www.oldpremeds.org but I'm still working on specifics. Needless to say, I WILL get more production out of myself and the OldPreMeds group. Doubters out there??? Step aside or you WILL get ran over by the OPM train!!

    Fold on!!

    B. I know that the majority of people here already tell family/friends about the F@H program but do they *really* tell them?? Show them! My thoughts are that the best way to improve the team is by word of mouth. Email signatures, posting signatures, email reminders, pass out the cards, etc. We can do this!! Just think if every one of our members got just 1 person to join!! Every little bit helps... spread the word!!

    P.S. I plan on increasing the contribution by running SM29_Betty_Harris 24/7 right here in my basement! :D
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited October 2005
    Folding at home posters.

    With one I could get way more customers folding. (Im out of business cards).
  • tcithtcith Sydney, Australia Member
    edited October 2005
    Hello all - I know I have been quiet of late - extremely busy work, family and other issues - will back back on deck soon.

    A. I don't think I have to elaborate on what I have done to boost production - you have every resource that I control at your disposal - even after my "attempt to take over the world" I have returned my standard farm back into service.

    B. I am the CIO of our company (hence the large farms I have in my disposal) and I mention this project to other CIO's I meet with at various internetworking events - to my knowledge two have already started up folding farms at their companies (not with team 93 unfortunately) - it's a hard situation to figure out how to aspire people - one last suggestion, write to the letters section of a PC magazine of to a newspaper and say what folding is and what it means to you, if you get published you might inspire someone else to start folding.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    I can't enter as I don't qualify anymore (no viable machines to run it on) but an idea for fundraising would be to maybe open a Cafépress shop selling Team93 "memerabelia" which I am sure a few people would buy. To extend that you could sell some Short-Media branded items on there too which I am sure a few more people would buy. Another idea would be to hold a few more competitions like this such as a small cash reward randomly chosen out of the people actively folding this week/month, that is sure to pull in a few people to the team (albiet at a little expense... but it may be worth it).

    I'll post again if I think of anything else.
  • RiversCuomoRiversCuomo Missouri New
    edited October 2005
    Contest 1

    A) The first time I started folding at home I was folding like crazy, theres something intriguing about the grey numbers matched with the black backround :rolleyes:
    I have since slowed down folding so much, I was leaving my computer running all night for days and decided I would just run it while I was home or playing World of Warcraft. I even sacrifice my frames per second just to run F@H! :thumbsup: I have spread the word about folding to a lot of my friends but none of them ever seem interested, maybe I need to present it in a better way..?

    B) I believe we could improve folding performance by presenting the program to certain school districts and tell them all the positive effects it has on very important research that can help save lives. We emphasize how easy it is to install/run and move from there. We could even have multiple school districts do it and register F@H under their school name and have all the schools compete against each other.

    Thats just my 2 cents......it may seem like a longshot but with enough effort it could be possible.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Enverex wrote:
    I can't enter as I don't qualify anymore (no viable machines to run it on)...
    That rig in your sig looks pretty viable. (Hey man, if I didn't say it people would think I was slipping... :vimp: )
    I'll post again if I think of anything else.
    Please do. The ideas you've already mentioned are excellent. :thumbsup:
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    That rig in your sig looks pretty viable. (Hey man, if I didn't say it people would think I was slipping... :vimp: )

    It has visible adverse effects on my games most of the time on this rig so it's not really viable, it also tends to overheat easily.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Enverex wrote:
    It has visible adverse effects on my games most of the time on this rig so it's not really viable, it also tends to overheat easily.
    For the first problem you could always stop the service before starting the game. The second issue is a little trickier; 100% CPU usage is going to heat up the machine no matter what. :(

    Here's an idea: Set the client to use 50% maximum CPU power for now, making you eligible to enter both contests. Win the top prize (we're still collecting money, but it's going to be over $50), then sink the easy cash you just made into a killer HSF and bump things up to 100%.

    There's always a solution if you look for it. :D

    /me does not give up easily ;D
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    ...We will accept entries via a PM to profdlp received by Midnight, October 14th, 2005 US Central Time...
    Sixty hours (plus approximately forty minutes) remain to get your guess in.

    Who wants a chance to be a winner? :D
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited October 2005
    Fashionably late again as usual :D

    A. What you are doing to boost production.

    Answer for A:
    I have recently started folding full time on my main machine again (2.6GHz A64). I only shut it down while gaming, and leave FAH running for all other activities (web etc). I leave the machine running at night now as well. I also recently put a full-time Sempron 2600+ server online (running at 2.2GHz), it folds and runs dimes at all times. I have also passed out a majority of the FAH business cards I received. I have left them everywhere from Canadian tire, to Computer stores.

    B. A suggestion on how the team can improve.

    Answer for B:
    Greater amounts of publicity is key IMO. Team 93 is perhaps one of the most dedicated folding teams I have come across, and I think that if there is some way to be featured in a high-volume technology magazine, or other publication, we could get a LOT of exposure. Out of the hundreds of people active on this site, there must be a few who know newspaper employees, or others in similar roles. Television would also be one of the best ways to gain exposure. This would perhaps be more focused on the FAH project, and stanford's work, but could also focus on teams such as Team 93, and the things we are doing to contribute to the project. I don't recall seeing a show dedicated to DC projects, but we could always try to spark some interest through a few emails etc.

    Continued support of the SMx project is also important. These rigs are 100% dedicated folders, and can contribute a lot to the project. Perhaps we could have donation pools for specific parts that are needed. For example, if a CPU/Mobo combo was on for dirt cheap somewhere, we could start a post requesting small donations from anyone willing to contribute. I'm sure many people would be willing to part with a few dollars, and we could pick up a few great combos.

    The continued growth our SM's SVT team also gives us a great medium to further spread the word. Many peolpe are introduced to SM through the SVT forums, and genuinely want to contribute as a 'thank you' to the team. I think if we could put a link to the joinfolding site at the top of the SVT page (where the 'read first' red text is), it could attract even more attention. Perhaps a graphical logo link may be a great way to attract the eye.

    Also, I know that I've heard this many times: What good has come from all of this work?. Perhaps we should have a Stanford breakthrough's thread or section, where we can link to many of Stanford's accomplishments, using FAH data. Showing people that good things are already happening as a result of the project may further attract people to the cause.

    Prof, I'll PM you my answer to the next section..
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    You have 35 hours and 25 minutes left to send me a PM with your guess.

    If you think you have already entered but don't see your name on this list, please let me know ASAP.

    The random drawing (enter by posting in this thread; don't forget to include A. What you are doing to boost production and B. A suggestion on how the team can improve) will remain open until the moment Team 93 hits 50,000,000 points. :D
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Almost forgot!

    A. What you are doing to boost production.
    I've gotten my two work computers folding (6.8 Ghz). That may not sound like a big deal, but I had to check a bunch of policy papers to figure out whether or not it would get me in trouble. "Security violations" aren't taken lightly here :shakehead

    I've also been dropping the business cards off, here and there. Got one on the bulletin board down the hall, and when I've been showing pictures of IC_11's vodka casemod to people at work, I've been explaining to people what that machine is doing 24/7 :D

    I've listed the joinfolding.com page on my facebook account. It's not much, but who knows, someone may wonder what that URL is and check it out?

    B. A suggestion on how the team can improve.
    Haven't read the thread, hope I'm not repeating anything:

    Get on the news. Print or television. There's always a slow news day, so maybe we could get someone could do a story about this super-neat program that cures cancer in your free time? College newspapers would probably the easiest to approach for this. Especially if you've already convinced a campus computer lab to fold. Then it's actually campus news.

    Does anybody have family or church newsletters? Might sneak a blurb about folding (for team 93) in there.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Gargoyle wrote:
    Haven't read the thread, hope I'm not repeating anything:

    You know, I don't think it had been mentioned... until lemonlime posted the same idea 2 posts before you! ;);D
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Well, we actually thought of it about the same time, if you incorporate the two hour time difference between Toronto and New Mexico. ;D

    - Gargoyle: Bending Time to his will since 1982
  • edited October 2005
    I'm back in production but I'm doing my work in batches so I doubt I'll turn anything in before the 50 million mark is reached but just in case, I'm in if I qualify for the first contest.

    If not that's life...I'm just glad to see that the team is holding up.

    Well, I got a WU in and I'm hedging my bets that it'll be a week until the 50m mark is reached so, I'm back to folding which is helping the team plus I tell everyone I know about folding plus I've gotten sis to post about it on her blog as well and since I'm an avid KoL player I'm going to promote it in there as well.

    As far as ideas for the team how about forming a commitee of dedicated forum members to contact as many defunct (non-producing) team members as possible and see if we can get them back into the fold.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one with this idea but I too haven't read the rest of the thread simply because I didn't want to flumox my thought process.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited October 2005
    Gargoyle wrote:
    Well, we actually thought of it about the same time, if you incorporate the two hour time difference between Toronto and New Mexico. ;D

    - Gargoyle: Bending Time to his will since 1982

    Great minds think alike, what can I say :D
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited October 2005
    A. Anytime I work on somebodys computer, I'm always sure to ask them if I can have their computer folding. I know its not much, but ive managed to recruit 5 memebers by doing this, excluding my family(4 folders), so ive recruited 9 people total.

    B. I think it would be cool if once a week there's a little interview with a willing short-media user that can be posted on the main page just so we can get to know each other even more, i think itd be cool. its not really a way to get more points, but just so we can get to know everyone more.
    B2. As others mentioned, we should have some sort of a fundraiser.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    The Date & Time prediction phase of the contest is now closed. Look for an update on the qualifying entries and their guesses soon. At our current pace we will hit the mark in approximately one week!


    Any active member of Team 93 may still enter the random drawing right up until the point we cross the 50,000,000 Point mark. Make sure you fulfill the following requirements:
    1) You must be an active Team Member, documented, a full week before the 50 Million point mark. We will verify all entries against Stanford's Active processors (within 7 days) listing. You only need to have one CPU Folding for Team 93 to qualify.

    2) The user must post the following in this thread:
    .....A. What you are doing to boost production.
    .....B. A suggestion on how the team can improve.


    Good luck, everybody!
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited October 2005
    Sweet, im the last one that entered!!!!!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    tmh88 wrote:
    Sweet, im the last one that entered!!!!!
    Not necessarily - there's still time to get in on the random drawing. :)
  • JakethJaketh Ohio Member
    edited October 2005
    .....A. Installing FAH on new builds for friends and getting my buddies/family to join in, regardless of team; cause comes first!
    .....B. More direct contact, ie the email that directed me to this thread. Even though I've folded here for years, I feel all alone most of the time...(my own fault, but the email helps loop us together) Little games like this are a great way to encourage excitement. Maybe make small mini-goals for folks every month and whomever can accomplish gets special recognition or some such.
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited October 2005
    is there an update?

    is armo the weiner?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Armo wrote:
    is there an update?
    Here it comes. :D
    is armo the weiner?
    Whether you win the contest or not, I'd say the answer to that is probably "yes". ;D


    Here's the scoop:

    As of the last update (6:00PM Central Time), EOC's Stats Page shows Team 93 with 49,593,956 Points, with a 92,875 Point 24-Hour average. At that pace we will reach our goal in 4.37 days. I can tell you right now that several of our contest entrants are looking like pretty good guessers at this point. :cool:

    With twelve officially entries in the prediction phase of the contest there are also a few who may well be eliminated soon, unless we show a 400,000-point surge over the next few hours. :(

    Keep in mind that the random drawing is still open for new entries, but you must enter by posting in this thread:
    .....A. What you are doing to boost production.
    .....B. A suggestion on how the team can improve.
    You must also be an active member of Team 93. :)

    Stay tuned to this thread for further updates - 50,000,000 Points is right around the corner!

  • BLuKnightBLuKnight Lehi, UT Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    I think there could be a surge. Two of my rigs can't upload WUs right now... probably server issues. Anyways, I've probably got about 1000 in the queue for upload and a few more will be knocked off in the next few hours. If I've got a few queued up for upload, I bet there are a few other folders as well in the same boat.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005

    The twelve contenders are down to eleven now, with one person mathematically eliminated. Unless we reach our goal in the next day or two the list will grow even shorter.

    As of the 6:00PM Central Time update, Team 93 stands at 49,714,907 points. Our 24-Hour average is currently 96,364, meaning we are estimated to cross the line in almost exactly three days.

    One of you is getting close to a nice little jackpot! :D

    If you want in on the random drawing and are an active member of Team 93, there is still time to enter. Post in this thread and tell us what you are doing to boost production and make a suggestion on how the team can improve. We've had some great ideas thus far, some of which will no doubt be implemented soon. :thumbsup:
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited October 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    Not necessarily - there's still time to get in on the random drawing. :)

    lol i just got :Pwned:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    who is it dang it???? Me ? I don't even remember what I guessed :)

    Are we aloud to take DLST in the consideration?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Sledge, you're still in the running.

    As for DST, we'll be going by the time showing at EOC should the moment arrive after the clocks change. The updates will still be labeled 12, 3, 6, or 9:00, AM or PM. With the updates coming at three-hour intervals it wouldn't make enough difference to affect the outcome even if we did adjust for it.

    BLuKnight wrote:
    I think there could be a surge. Two of my rigs can't upload WUs right now... probably server issues. Anyways, I've probably got about 1000 in the queue for upload and a few more will be knocked off in the next few hours. If I've got a few queued up for upload, I bet there are a few other folders as well in the same boat.
    :) Looks like you called it right:
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