How much memory do you have?
Just a survey to see how much memory everyone runs. I'm curious as to how much is really enough. If a computer has a decent amount of power, like a P3 1.0 Ghz or higher, I think 512 MB is good if you're not playing games or doing fancy digital video editing or CAD/CAM work.
What do you think? How much memory do you have and why?
What do you think? How much memory do you have and why?
why? i do ALOT of stuff at once when im on my machine, not like CAD or anything but i have at least 10 things going.
1GB ... I think.
I feel that 1gb is the minimum for the 2005-2006 season. Of course, I game, and I use Adobe products (photoshop, indesign, and illustrator especially), so my memory requirements are higher. 1gb min for both Win XP and Mac OSX 10.4
For 'normal' use (internet, typing, goofing around) I feel that a mere 256 is acceptable.
1GB for each home system
/need 1GB now
Prime - what kind of RAM does the SM server have?
PC3200 ECC Registered DDR
My main system (NF-7, Barton 2500 @ 2.2 Ghz) ran good on 512, then when I got the chance I filled the 3rd memory slot to give it 768 MB total. Didn't notice any real performance difference, but then again I don't play any games on my system. It's all digital video editing and video playback. And general internet usage. And folding.
Sally's main computer has 2GB.
This thursday I'l be upgraded, I'll still have 1GB(Dual Channel Goodness...) but I'll be buying an extra stick of 512MB so I can have 2GB.
I do 3D modeling and stuff, so the more the merrier.
I had 1gb at the job I just left and I have 1gb at my current job. It's not enough especially if you're doing adobe and cadd.
I had 2gb on my server which would be nice.
It would get really nice to have 4gb of fast ram though personally.
Main rig 2 gig
Video editing
Cad design and 3D modeling
Big Screen gamer 1 gig
the rest of the farm boxes 512mb
1 Gig for the Game box
512 for the Linux/98SE box
two machines running 512, two running 1G, all dedicated folding boxes.
THe everyday use machine also has 1G.
Why? It is cheap and easy and enought for about everything.
I have 2 machines that run the game both with 1024mb of some form of Cossair but hope to upgrade my main machine to 2gb so I can increase the draw distance.