New Force in DVD Wars: China

According to Business Week, China has announced plans to enter the fray in the battle between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. But it's not taking one side or the other; China has announced it will develop its own DVD format to rival both existing competing standards.
Source: Business Week
As if it wasn't bad enough with two competing standards...The Chinese standard, not expected to reach markets until at least 2008, would provide higher definition, better sound and better anti-piracy measures, Xinhua quoted Lu Da, deputy director of the government-affiliated National Disc Engineering Center, as saying earlier this week.
"With such format and related standards," Lu said, "We could have our own voice in the DVD industry."
The announcement marks China's latest attempt to leverage its manufacturing muscle to play by its own terms in the home video market. Up to 80 percent of DVD players are made in China, but makers have to cough up around 40 percent of the cost of each player to license holders, according to Chinese reports.
Source: Business Week
lol @ gargoyle
We are talking about china, one of the Biggest manufacturers of DVD players in the world, not to mention there players are much more inexpensive then brands from say... America. They can easily put players and their own format of Disc onto the market at VERY VERY affordable prices. I will probably bet money that in 2010 their format will be either the main format or at least the secondary alternative. i dont think there is enough room in the market for 3 main formats so.... one of the three are gonna probably hit the dust early.