AMD/Intel Hybrid Motherboards Hit the Market
At the core of forgotten has a review up of a new motherboard compatible with both Intel and AMD CPUs, the ECS PF88.
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Source: Hardcorware.netNobody would have guessed that the merger of two of the most boring motherboard companies ECS and PC Chips would produce anything other than even more boring OEM products. But ECS is taking this merger as an opportunity to show off their ingenuity and engineering skills.
After, when I first heard the brand/model name "DFI Lanparty", I thought to myself, "What a juvenile name. Is that supposed to attract pimply adolescents?" Definitely a rush to judgement. Boy was I wrong about a company that makes some of the highest performance motherboards one can buy. DFI Lanparty. Hmm, still sounds like the male counterpart to the Easybake Oven.
The main reason for making such an oddity? Ask yourself this question: When was the last time there was so much buzz in the forums over a board from PCChips and/or ECS? If and when they come out with something more practiical it is possible that some people will think of them as the company that released that unique MB a while back, not merely as the company which has been making lousy parts for years.