Running Sub culture on winxp
I'm having problem running that game. Apperently it's not good to have a modern computer and trying to run old games on it.
I know i've gotten it to work before but that was while i was running either win 95 or 98. It's made for 95 but i recall running it later than that.
The problem now is that it wants glide drivers, but that's for cards i don't have. I'm using a ati 9800 pro running catalyst 5,7. What do i do to run this game. It's possible to install several versions of the game including d3d and 3df. The only version that works for me is the software but it's really sluggish.
Unfortunatly it looks as if the company that made it is gone so there's no chance to get a patch. Wish is was as simple as running another game i have, Recoil. It too was made in the win95 days but runs just as nicely on xp.

The problem now is that it wants glide drivers, but that's for cards i don't have. I'm using a ati 9800 pro running catalyst 5,7. What do i do to run this game. It's possible to install several versions of the game including d3d and 3df. The only version that works for me is the software but it's really sluggish.
Unfortunatly it looks as if the company that made it is gone so there's no chance to get a patch. Wish is was as simple as running another game i have, Recoil. It too was made in the win95 days but runs just as nicely on xp.
this might help it is a glide wrapper
also the Program Compatibility Wizard might be of some help
I did that once with Deus Ex, to experiment between D3D on my GeForce and Glide on my Voodoo2. Yeah, the GeForce was way better
Incidentally, if you want to try it, I could sell you my Voodoo 2 for cheap
I kinda want to put a older box togeather
P2 or 3 450 - 600 512 meg ram voodoo 3 3000 etc
on of these days :shakehead
I had a similar idea
Jeez, where did I get all these Voodoos from? I have a Voodoo 1, 2, and a 3/4/5
this help for linux
eVoodoo_v2.0.4 - Produced a windows with a evoodoo logo in it but nothing more.
Produced blank windows, most was fullscreen, but that's all.
I'll try more from later today. If anyone has any ideas why i failed please let me know.
did you give this a try
start menue - programs - Accessories
Hmm didn't think about it. Thanks i'll try it and get back to you.
Nothing more than before. tried to set it for both 95 and then 98 but no go. I used all options but it did do one thing. When i run it there's flashes and the window goes from window to fullscreen then back to window but when using the compatibility mode i saw a logo screen so something changed. I don't recall seing it before.
It kinda makes you wonder. Will games like unreal tournament work on whatever graphics card i'll use in 5 years or should i keep this one around just in case i feel like playing an older game. Wish i was a programming wizard, maybe then i could crack the game so it'll run on whatever hardware there might be. Oh well. :bawling:
maybe I can find something to help
google comes up with a game but not sure if it is the right one
is this the one?
The link didn't work. I'll try again tomorrow.
It worked and yes that's the game. I'll read the page in the morning.
you have to contach them to get it
google does not help me with this one
The patches i found was
sccyrix - only good if you have cyrix card
scpatch - updates version 1.14 and 1.15 to 1.16.
scultamd - drivers for amd 3dnow
Cyrix obviously doesn't work but i did install the others with no more luck. I'm starting to think that it might be a controller issue. If i turn graphics up high they look ok and surely my computer is fast enough for this when it can run UT 2004 without trouble so i don't think it's a cpu or ram issue.
I even installed Sandra but found nothing to worry about. Maybe the game doesn't like my wireless keyboard and mouse. I connected my microsoft mouse but no luck so i'll try with my other keyboard as well. The ms mouse is in case the batteries on the wireless runs down which they do every week but i kept the keynoard just in case something would happen to the other one.
BTW i realize that i'm not making myself clear on my problem. The problem is sluggish controls. The game can be run in the software version and graphics can be turned up to a nice level but trying to move the mouse or click is slow. This goes for the meny as well so it's not just in the main game.
Direct3D gives me an error ("Error in loading screen") and Software results in the same input problems you mentioned (Using a noname keyboard and logitech mouse). I'm pretty sure that it is a problem of the game itself on XP then
Did you contact Criterion or UbiSoft?
Go to and download the patches there. Scroll down. Then tell me how it went. Do you think you could contact ubisoft. I'm not that comfortable emailing people. It's good to know i'm not alone with these problems.
If you install the amd drivers the gamma setting will be up to max but i just changed it and everything was fine.
I'll try to copy again, this time with raw mode. It'll take some time so i'll get back later. I'm using roxio disc copier btw.
Raw mode didn't work either, i'm stuck.
What do you mean with "but all keys weren't mapped"? There is some stuff about keys and technical stuff in the .scg files though I have no idea what these files are for exactly...
I will contact UbiSoft if we can't find a solution. Let's try a bit more
I agree on not contacting ubisoft. Looks as if we might be able to solve this ourself. I'll try using win 98 on compatibility mode because i think i once ran the game on it. Maybe that will fix the cd error.
BTW if the error is just in the game, how come all copies i make fail. I've copied games before this way so i know it works.
I installed the amdpatch only not the 1.16 patch and set the comp mode for win 95. BTW which version did you install, i went for the full one which means that the needed video files should be on my hd and not requier a cd.
I'll try tomorrow before noon again. (Maybe this evening)
I installed the fullversion.
Well, no-cd and cd music looks like an impossible task to me. You could try to rip the CD to mp3 and load it in a player whilst playing. Yes, this sucks
I don't think that a mail to UbiSoft would really help us, but I'll write one when I'm in the mood.
I'm glad that we can play software mode without soundtrack at least
Can't say that i feel like ripping the soundtrack but isn't it already in software form or is it really tracks like a music-cd. That could explain why i can't hear it. I'll look into it.
It would be nice to know if ubisoft has any tips for us other than this constant patching but you're prolly right. Do as you like.
Just trade Plancton from the Bohine to the Refinery (I guess that were the docks), you'll get 80 -> 140! Pretty easy to make money that way without cheating
The music is on the CD like on a normal audio CD, you can insert it into a CD player and listen to it. There will be just a "play CD track #4" in the .exe.