Running Sub culture on winxp



  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited November 2005
    Spirit85 wrote:
    Cheating sucks :P
    Just trade Plancton from the Bohine to the Refinery (I guess that were the docks), you'll get 80 -> 140! Pretty easy to make money that way without cheating :D

    The music is on the CD like on a normal audio CD, you can insert it into a CD player and listen to it. There will be just a "play CD track #4" in the .exe.

    Thanks on the trading tip. Wow i can finally hear the music albeit only while not playing the game. There's 12 tracks. Number 1 is data and 12 is just some static but the other ones are really nice. According to cddb the artist is called Versatile. If only i could get it to work in the game.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited November 2005
    Since i've played some more i might as well give some beginners tips. When fighting pirates, don't bother with missiles. The pirates will most likely be to close making it difficult to aim. Use the zapper. Homing missiles aim to slowly and if you're close to a city they'll mostly aim on anything but what you want them to.

    Also don't try turning to keep the pirates in aim. They turn faster than you and will kill you before you can kill them. Pirates mostly appear right in front of you but will later dodge to the sides. Go towards them and shoot if possible but when they dodge don't try to turn. Instead you should let them chase you for a while then you can make a turn and shoot some more. This will prolly have to be repeted some times but trust me it works.

    When you're attacked, get out of any town you're in or you might end up shooting at it. This will cause the town cannons to fire on you and you don't need that.

    Oh and the ripper can't hit sh't. Sure it's nice to have a machinegun but don't underestimate the zapper when it comes to closeup combat.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited November 2005

    So spirit have you played some more because i'd really like to know if you've found any solution to our problem. I'm almost done, i can play attack on pirate stock pile if i want but i want to do other missions first. You really have to play both sides if you want to see the full game. I haven't done that before so there's many new things for me to discover.

    If only i could get the music to play ingame. I'll copy it just incase something happens to the cd.
  • edited November 2005
    Well, CD music won't ever work with these .exe files since they have disabled CD access. I managed to get the 3Dfx .exe to run with a Glide Wrapper though. I will send you a pm with links and instructions tomorrow (remind me if I forget!). If only one could make the fog disappear :)
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited December 2005
    Well i understand that music wont work but it would be nice to be able to play the game without the crack.

    Sounds interresting about the wrapper.
  • edited April 2006
    I have the same problems using compatibility mode asking ‘insert cd’ and the controls being very slow with compatibility mode disabled.

    How did you get it to work?
  • edited November 2006
    I'm also trying to play this game on my Notebook with WinXP Pro. This thread was very helpful convincing Sub Culture to start. It is possible to start Sub Culture without a modified exe by using the Compatibility Administrator from Microsoft. This is a tool which provides much more options than the standard compatibility modes. If you get the "error in loading screen" message, just set your desktop colours to 16 bit (instead of 32 bit) or use the option "force 640x480 16Bit" in the compatibility Administrator. I had no more problems to start Sub Culture then. The standard Win95 compatibility mode of WinXP enables a option called "EmulateCDFS" which causes to game to show the "no cd found" screen. By disabling this option, Sub Culture starts well.
    But now I have a second problem which seems to be much more difficult. I can run the game, start a new game and are in my submarine. But playing is still impossible because everything is very slow. I don't mean the framerate, the graphics are very fast, but my submarine and other submarines just travel extremly slow. For example docking take about two minutes before the docking-video is played. I believe, that some timings are different from Win95 to WinXP so that the game is not able to measure the right speed.

    Does anyone has the same problem or found a solution? It would be great to make this wunderfull game playable!

  • PercevalPerceval La Rochelle, France
    edited January 2008
    Hi everybody ! Your topic is very interesting, especially because I bought a new CD of the game (I lost mine) and I managed it as everybody to make it run using Direct3D. Well... I found how to make it work !!! ;) I've written an article about this on my website, and I specially written an English version for you :) Hope you'll like, nevermind, it works, and within Windows Vista ! ;) Oh, by the way, I'm also building (just for fun) a pack of reskined textures for the game, I've posted a preview about it and I think I'll put my pack online in about 2 weeks... I hope so ! But thanks very much for your topic, because it did help me to find the way to run it :)
  • edited April 2008
    I'm also trying to play this game on my Notebook with WinXP Pro. This thread was very helpful convincing Sub Culture to start. It is possible to start Sub Culture without a modified exe by using the Compatibility Administrator from Microsoft. This is a tool which provides much more options than the standard compatibility modes. If you get the "error in loading screen" message, just set your desktop colours to 16 bit (instead of 32 bit) or use the option "force 640x480 16Bit" in the compatibility Administrator. I had no more problems to start Sub Culture then. The standard Win95 compatibility mode of WinXP enables a option called "EmulateCDFS" which causes to game to show the "no cd found" screen. By disabling this option, Sub Culture starts well.
    But now I have a second problem which seems to be much more difficult. I can run the game, start a new game and are in my submarine. But playing is still impossible because everything is very slow. I don't mean the framerate, the graphics are very fast, but my submarine and other submarines just travel extremly slow. For example docking take about two minutes before the docking-video is played. I believe, that some timings are different from Win95 to WinXP so that the game is not able to measure the right speed.

    Does anyone has the same problem or found a solution? It would be great to make this wunderfull game playable!


    I had the exact problem. My solution was to run the game in Window 98 on a virtual machine. It runs really great. I had to uninstall the virtual machine add-ons to get the mouse to work right in the game.

    This game is just crying for a sequal.
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