hitachi Ultrastar 15K147
Hi all im new here ,I'm building an overclocked monster using a asus P4C800-E Deluxe mobo and am curious as to if this board will control 2 of these hitachi Ultrastar 15K147 drives drives in raid0 config for serious hi end gaming also if anyone else out there have used these drives are they as good as some i have spoke with recomended before i shell out the cash for them or if anyone has any other suggestions would be appreciated currently i have a maxtor 300gig 16meg buffed hd i wish to use as well
I'd personally just pick up another maxtor 300gig like your current drive, and run those in raid-0. Those are nice drives, and would be great in a gaming rig. Use the money you saved to invest in low latency memory, and a high end graphics card. If you still want faster spinning hard drives, take a look into WD's WD740 10000RPM raptor drives. They operate on the much more common SATA platform, and have faster seek times than their 7200RPM competitors. You could use a raptor or two as your system partition, and keep your 300GB drive a storage drive. Many possible combinations you could use, and pretty much all will be cheaper than using 15k scsi drives.
got to work with what i have thaks for the advice tho