help find me a new case

Hey all I am looking to upgrade my case, Right now I am running a Coolermaster CM Stacker its nice and all but dang it weighs a ton and now with me back home I am in need of saving alittle space. I need it to have ablack front since all my drives are black. Any sugestions that arent over 100 bucks w/o PSU
- under $100
- size?
- capacity?
- options (Firewire, USB ports on front?)
- fans included?
- PSU included?
- aluminum/steel?
- style -- boy wonder or conservative?
- best cooling/or best functional?
Have it shipped to me and I'll cut the rear 80mm to a 120mm with my hole saw!
Edit: you'd really need to be careful about that where I live. Heck, the poor sucker would be part of the cycle of nature for a bear, wolf, or coyote. :bawling:
with PSU