Tweaking F@H

edited October 2005 in Folding@Home
Ok I'd like to start out by saying Hi to everyone, new to the team here! The main reason why I started this thread was to figure out how to tweak F@H to make the best of my Lappy. Any suggestions?


  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    What kind of processor power are you using on that lappy? How much ram?
    I know there is a setting in the client.cfg for laptops ...
    Are you running it 24/7?

    I'm sure someone out there has much more info to help you than I do but I don't have a lappy. :bawling:
  • edited October 2005
    csimon wrote:
    What kind of processor power are you using on that lappy? How much ram?
    I know there is a setting in the client.cfg for laptops ...
    Are you running it 24/7?

    I'm sure someone out there has much more info to help you than I do but I don't have a lappy. :bawling:

    Specs:celeron m 1.5 gig
    512 mem, and yes will be running for 24/7
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    When you run the setup utility, there is an option for the Folding client to automatically turn off (or lower CPU usage?) when the laptop is on battery power (if I remember correctly). I did not select that setting for my laptop as I rarely use my laptop on battery power. When I travel with it, I set it up in the hotel room - it's always off in transit.

    That's the only laptop-specific setting I can think of.

    (Another reason I don't use the battery is because it DIED after only five months. Not to mention the CD ROM/burner died after four months, the first motherboard after three months, the second mobo after four kidding. Thank goodness I don't own this disaster. It's issued to me by my employer. Gateway 600YG2 - avoid at all costs!)

    OK, back on topic. If I remember any more settings that would benefit a laptop user, I'll post. :D

    EDIT: OK, I thought of another tweak - a hardware tweak. If your laptop has a truly piece of junk stamped, cheap metal CPU heatsink like me, and you are handy with a manual and hand tools, you should consider removing the heatsink from the CPU and replacing the factory thermal interface material (probably a sticky pad) with quality heat transfer paste. If you aren't somewhat skilled with computer hardware though, I would NOT recommend this.

    This reason I mentioned the above is that some laptops, like mine, just roar when Folding is running, as it's making the CPU run at full capacity. Nothing wrong with full capacity; it's just that manufacturers don't design laptops for continually 100% CPU utilization. Don't worry though, the cooler on the CPU can handle the heat, it just may be very noisy. Here's what I did as a solution. Looks horrible, but it works. No, it's not a 'mobile' device. ;D
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