Doug: I have always enjoyed reading your in depth reviews on all the products over the years even to each individual period and comma. No one really covered a product like you did from top to bottom and this site thrived because of it. We appreciate the initiative you, Dan and Brian took to give this family a new home after Icrontic bit the dust. I truely appreciate everything you have done for the site and for US! Don't be a stranger around here, now!:) Good Luck in whatever you may delve your time into!
I wasn't around to say 'CONGRATS' on your recent marriage, so let's get that out of the way first.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S :confetti:
You will be missed a great deal here, I know I can say without reservation. S-M wouldn't have existed without you and won't be the same without you. Thanks for everything you've done.
Best wishes from me and my clan for a happy and prosperous future
He's shaped this site in ways you couldn't possibly imagine. He is the King.
All the best for the future. Drop in when you can. I salut you sir! :canflag:
I wasn't around to say 'CONGRATS' on your recent marriage, so let's get that out of the way first.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S :confetti:
You will be missed a great deal here, I know I can say without reservation. S-M wouldn't have existed without you and won't be the same without you. Thanks for everything you've done.
Best wishes from me and my clan for a happy and prosperous future