Opteron X2 939 ???'s
I can't beleive I am not on top of this but would like to know if the socket 939 Opteron's (especially the dual cores) need ECC memory like their 940 counterparts? Is the 165 Denmark enough to get good OC's out of or would the 170 Denmark be a better choice. I am willing to go up to $400 on one (Monarch's prices are much better on these then the egg) and see some super potential with something like this. Is there anything else to consider. I will no doubt be putting one on one of my DFI boards fairly soon if it is as good as it looks.
even the opteron 939's
im pretty sure mack mentioned it to somebody in another thread
I was actually researching the same question on some Aussie computer forums and came up with the same answer. That was the only part i understood.
The rest became way too tech for my little knowledge.