Previews: Gigabyte 8N-SLI & Asus A8N32-SLI
Philadelphia, Pa
PCPerspective has two previews on upcoming motherboards sure to garner some interest.
View: Asus A8N32-SLI nForce4 SLI X16 Motherboard Review - Detailed Review
View: Gigabyte 8N-SLI Quad Royal NF4 Motherboard Preview
Source: PC Perspective
View: Asus A8N32-SLI nForce4 SLI X16 Motherboard Review - Detailed Review
View: Gigabyte 8N-SLI Quad Royal NF4 Motherboard Preview
DROOL!Asus A8N32-SLI nF4 SLI X16
Asus is once again on the front lines of the motherboard market with the first NF4 SLI X16 product to hit e-tailers shelves. Not only that, but they have built a rock-stable, overclocking friendly, gaming enthusiast's dream motherboard. It has enough features to keep most anyone happy and though the price might be a little steep, it has the room to grow that older SLI chipset boards may be missing as faster GPUs hit the market. Because of this, the Asus A8N32-SLI is definitely one of the best AMD boards we have ever seen.
Gigabyte 8N-SLI Quad Royal NF4
As you can see, the board is loaded with four x16 PCIe slots, two x1 PCIe slots and a single legacy PCI slot. Now, many questions have come up as to what you might use these four PEG (PCI Express Graphics) slots for. Of course you can use them for just about any PCIe accessory, but since we have only one option currently available (network cards) then that leaves us with graphics cards.
Source: PC Perspective
Thats like putting a 4L turbo diesel engine in a Skoda. It's still a Skoda.