Spyware-Free certification emerges

A plan put forward by Yahoo! and AOL sets the groundwork for a "Consumer Friendly" label to be given to software downloads by an independent third-party company.
Source: Yahoo! NewsTRUSTe, an organization that already certifies and monitors Web site privacy and e-mail practices for businesses, will rely on testing by two outside labs for the vetting. It would not name the labs.
Developers earning TRUSTe's certification will not be permitted to promote that fact, said its executive director, Fran Maier. Rather, TRUSTe will issue a "white list" of trusted programs that partners Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news), America Online Inc., CNET Networks Inc. and other Web publishers may use in determining whose software they wish to ally with or distribute.
The Trusted Download Program is to begin early next year.
As we've discussed, Truste isn't particularly trusted, quick to give approval to outfits like Direct Revenue (makers of Aurora). AOL in turn has been hammered for using Truste's rating criteria for its Netscape browser. Shouldn't such coalitions be manned by experts, not portals solely interested in selling ads?
Basically this system is crap before it starts.
Good idea, but kinda like putting the wolf in the hen house and then wondering why the chickens are gone