Serious Issues! with the FH Addiction!

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited December 2005 in Folding@Home
Okay I had to pump myself up as I was headed into Fry's Electronics this afternoon. I had to create a chant before I stepped in the front door.

"I will not buy a whole computer.... I will not buy a whole computer...! I will Not... "

And what did I do? :D I managed to buy enought parts to create 2 new computer with the parts I had at home already! doah!!!! that defeated the whole purpose of my chant.... :scratch:


  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited December 2005
    send the parts this way as I am 2 poor to upgrade my long in the tooth NF7s abit 2500+

    Your chant is easy to live by if spending the money means you and your wife wont eat, have electricity, gas, water, and what ever else. Anymore my upgrades are all hand me down parts. Hard drives I get here at work, a 9800xt for building my friends new PC and his dads, dvd burners from my boss.

    You get no sympathy from me scooter. :shakehead
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited December 2005
    I'd rather go to an orthodontist than do another refund at Fry's too.

    Honestly, Sledge, if it's not compromising anyone else and it's not bringing you down- it's not an addiction- people used to call it a hobby. And there are worse "addictions" you could have, for that matter. :thumbsup:

    As it is, Sledge, thanks for all your contribution. Being a virtual society- well, we'll let your real conscience do the rest. :D
  • edited December 2005
    Slege, I know what you mean. I bought an X2 4400 a month ago and then bought an Opti 170 a week after that, figuring I would sell the 1 that didn't overclock as well. So what did I do this time in from work? Instead of selling 1 of the DC procs, I ordered that cheap (but decent) Asrock dual SATA2 mobo and put the 4400 in it. :scratch:;D

    Folding is very addicting, my friend. ;)
  • MacaholicMacaholic 1 Infinite Loop
    edited December 2005
    Remember, it's only an addiction if YOU think it is. Personally I've got enough parts around here to build four more machines (PC-DLs, Prestonia Xeons, A8N-SLI Deluxe, Opteron 165, etc.) but I just don't have the space or breakers to handle more. Not to mention a couple old Dual Athlon boards sitting around here with bad caps and perfectly good MP processors not doing a blamed thing! Just not enough hours in the day to get it all done! AND NOW MacWorld San Fran will be going here in a few weeks and I hear rumblings of Dual Core Yonah iBooks! What is a man to do?! Addiction?! No! I would say you're perfectly normal. ;D
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    IM not saying I hate it, but there has to be a line.. I have added quit a bit of folding power to my setup but have yet to see a massive difference in my totals... so with that said, I think that is what is driving me to build more folding machines. Just so I can accumulate more points faster. & of course to fold more WU's to find cures :)
  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Macaholic - contact me about those dual Athlon boards and Athlon MP processors you have, I may be interested in buying them to fix and put into folding work if the price is right. :thumbsup:

    I used to have a BP6, I like the dual CPU setups. I might be able to buy the BP6 back, but with a pair of 533 Celerons overclocked to 600 Mhz, it's not much of a folder. :(

    Email me at

    I estimate that I currently have 46.3 Ghz folding for me.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    If you gave donations, in-kind or monetary, to your church, the local charity thrift store, or whatever your cause, would you feel guilty? You ARE donating to charity by Folding. The amount of donation you choose is the the donation that is correct for you. If your donations are causing hardship for you or your family, then you have crossed the line. The data that Stanford collects from us, very efficiently without a paid solicitor will provide ultimate charity in some form or another, today or tomorrow. That charity will be research findings that will make their way into future treatments of a variety of horrible, debilitating diseases. Your donations (data) also helps train a cadre of future computer technologists, biochemists, and others at the institutions where Folding@Home research is planned, executed, and studied. Feeling good about yourself is sometimes well deserved.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Well Put Leo!
  • edited December 2005
    i have this same prob. i just sunk another 900 into computers just for F@H.

  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Mr. Sledge, please don't let the fun become more than a mild obsession. It would be a shame to see you (or any of us!) push too hard, burn out, and quit. I tend to be on the obsessive/compulsive side of things in my life. My wife and son keep me in check.
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