What Does "X" Mean in Electron Microscope?

LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciersEagle River, Alaska Icrontian
edited January 2006 in Folding@Home
Look at the screenshot of EMIII. Right now my home computers are processing six instances of QMD core 118, protein 1911. EMIII is showing a circled "X" in the graphic for each CPU/virtual CPU. What does this mean? Folding is going well on all three computers that are processing QMD cores, with no abnormalities noted whatsoever.


  • edited January 2006
    That means EMIII is saying that particular client isn't going to finish the wu on time. If that particular instance is actually folding OK, then there's probably some leftover file fragments from a previous wu left in the work folder of that particular client that EMIII is monitoring. You will need to go to that particular instance and manually delete the file fragments out of it and then EMII should work OK.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    OK, that makes sense. All units finish on time with these computers, even when both cores/virtual CPUs are all running QMD cores.
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