Building PC for friend--Need an evaluation.

The time has come to build another PC
My friend asked me to build a PC for him(I said I would, as long as he would make that baby fold for Team 93) beings all the desktop PC's we looked at just werent what he was looking for. For now he only plays World of Warcraft but has played FPS in the past and I'm sure he'll play some in the future. He plans on keeping his PC for about 3-4 years. Below are what I have picked out for him... If you see anything that you believe that I could do better, don't be afraid to say so 
$790 USD
AMD Athlon 3200+ (Venice Core)
ASUS A8N5X Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 ATX AMD Motherboard
Case and Power Supply
Antec Sonata II ATX case with Antec 450Watt SmartPower 2.0
Video Card
eVGA 6600gt (128MB, 128 Bits) PCI-eX16
CORSAIR ValueSelect 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200) Dual Channel
Hard Drive
Western Digital Caviar 250GB 7200RPM 16MB Cache 300 MB/s....It's OEM
Logitech x-530's 5.1
The time has come to build another PC

$790 USD
AMD Athlon 3200+ (Venice Core)
ASUS A8N5X Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 ATX AMD Motherboard
Case and Power Supply
Antec Sonata II ATX case with Antec 450Watt SmartPower 2.0
Video Card
eVGA 6600gt (128MB, 128 Bits) PCI-eX16
CORSAIR ValueSelect 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200) Dual Channel
Hard Drive
Western Digital Caviar 250GB 7200RPM 16MB Cache 300 MB/s....It's OEM
Logitech x-530's 5.1
Is Mac paying you to be the OCZ spokesman :confused2
Ill take some more suggestions on the RAM....If you agree/disagree with him then speak up, But I believe that Corsair is going to fit right in.
EDIT: I have OCZ as well and I think their just wonderful. Just wondering why you would recommend it over the Corsair???
Corsiar just doesn't OC well, at least not the RAM I have. I've heard nothing but good about OCZ, so it seems like it would be better.
Okay thats fine you don't want to overclock it. I don't even care anymore.. I was just giving you my opinion.
I noticed that OCZ RAM was never really recommended very highly around here until Mack started working for them, and I wondered about it too.
I came to the conclusion that OCZ's quality increased enough for it to be recommended all the time here because Mack got the job for them. Let's give credit where credit is due!
Oh yeah, nothing against OCZ, I can defintetely vouch for them as i have a gig of their RAM in my system and it runs flawlessly.
And...about that video card. What do you think about the XFX 6800GS?
What it all boils down to is a few percentage points of difference in performance and the included bundle. My rule of thumb is to look for the best price/bundle/warranty with the stock clocks being secondary.
On the upside the XFX card has that nifty brace running it's length to help stop the dreaded sag that the heavier all copper coolers seem to add.
A 6800GS is very much like a 6800GT and you can poick one up for about $189.00 right now.
As for the ram! I use the Corsair Value Select in a lot of cheaper builds. it runs games and other things fine. I would stick with the corsair. they offer the same warrenty and are easy to deal with. OCZ has a nice added premium of a few bucks that can be used towards the 6800GS...
I have 2 wester digital drives of my own and they have never done me wrong. I think they're great and I know some others feel the same way.