Cheap folding box

deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
edited January 2006 in Folding@Home
Just a quick question, which of these would fold faster?

A Sempron 64 2600 or a celeron D320?

I've just realised I have a spare power supply, memory and Hard drive lying around so I want to build a cheapo dedicated folder... I can get either:

Intel Celeron D320[2.4,RET,478,533] (£44.93)
Asrock P4VM800 (£35.19)
total: £80.12

AMD Sempron 2500 [1.4GHZ,754]R 64 (£44.65)
Foxconn 760GXK8MC-S SiS760GX (£38.72)
total: £83.37

so, since this box will only be folding, which would be better?


  • edited January 2006
    dont forget about a case to put it all in.

  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited January 2006
    Case? Who needs a case? :)
  • edited January 2006
    true just put it on plywood.

  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited January 2006
    I'd say a slight edge to the CeleronD 2.4ghz.

    If your going to FOLD grab a A64 Venice Core 3000+ and OC it into the 2.4-2.6ghz range. Then you'll be cooking.

    For my folding boxes it's Nothing but Dual Core Opterons!
  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited January 2006
    A64 venice core = £111.57
    cheap s939 motherboard = approx £60
    graphics card = approx £30 (can't find any s939 boards with onboard graphics)

    total approx £200, which is a bit more than I want to spend on a 'cheapo' folding box...

    cheers for the info though :)
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Something else to consider would be looking for a pre-owned Pentium 4C (800MHz bus) Northwood 2.4 or 2.6. Not sure about the UK market, but those two processors are usually found used for very reasonable price and are very easily overclocked by up to 25 or 30%. In hyperthreading mode with SSE2, two instances of Folding, you could do some serious Gromacs/QMD production. As Socket 478 CPUs, these CPUs use I865 or I875 chipset-based boards, of which there is a great variety and a healthy pre-owned market. Both I865 and I875 are rock solid stable and very easy to set up. Socket 478 is also one of the easiest formats for which to find moderately priced heatsinks. The AMD 64 Venice and Celeron D 320 would also be decent Folders, but could not nearly keep up with an overclocked P4C Northwood with two Folding clients running simultaneously.
  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited January 2006
    Hmmm, that's a good idea... however I haven't bought an Intel cpu since the pentium II days so I might need some tips. For a start, do all Northwood CPUs have hyperthreading, or do I need to look for ones that specifically state they're hyperthreaded? For example this one?
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