Starting a Thread and Finding My Name

hbi1000hbi1000 Asheville, NC USA
edited January 2006 in Folding@Home
F@H Forum Moderator,

I've just tried to use the Signature Generator and the link to: terminates with an "Object not found" error."

Newbie question: How does one located their F@H username from the list of over 1000 team 93er's (wonderful participation from the overall team I will add)?

Any thoughts would be helpful in getting me setup as a serious Team 93 contributor, thanks.



  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited January 2006
    EDITOR'S NOTE: This thread was split off from the thread titled "The Official Folding Gauntlet Thread - Name your enemy!" :END EDIT

    You are currently about 696 in the standings. You can figure this out by going to the Team 93 stats page and find your name with your browser (use ctl-F and enter your name). I'll let someone else handle the "Object not found" error.

    hbi1000, I am hoping for your sense of humor here but-


    you've honestly given me a very good laugh with this post! If you look at the title of this thread and the start of your post ... !!!!!!

    At any rate- since the moderators are currently fuming over the guantlet you've thrown and are burning up AIM deciding what they are going to do about you (just kidding ... ?)-

    I need to ask- are you having difficulty starting a thread? It's OK to say so here. You will find wonderfully patient people here (though profdlp and the other moderators will need a moment or few to come down eight shades of red) who can answer your questions.

    You might also consider adding to
    This Thread
    since they have had difficulty with the latest website upgrade in this area.
  • hbi1000hbi1000 Asheville, NC USA
    edited January 2006
    Hi Qeldroma,

    I thought I was starting a new thread and it seems I am not aware of the procedure. I am glad I gave you a good laugh; and I'm sure the others (whom I hope have not been offended by my oversight and newness) will be just fine. I do have a very good sense of humor (laugh at myself too much sometimes). But, if one does not try he'll never learn. Thanks so much for your insights into the various shortcuts and methods you've patiently provided over these new weeks for me (screen shot active picture only, search IE (never new that one existed either). I believe it boils down to I do not know how to start a new thread. I also attempted to download and load the "Electron Microscope," but ended up with a fatal "skin not found" error (see screenshot)? Is this Electron Microscope stable? I tried redownloading with the same results, any advice would be appreciated (as usual) thanks.
    Qeldroma wrote:
    You are currently about 696 in the standings. You can figure this out by going to the Team 93 stats page and find your name with your browser (use ctl-F and enter your name). I'll let someone else handle the "Object not found" error.

    hbi1000, I am hoping for your sense of humor here but-


    you've honestly given me a very good laugh with this post! If you look at the title of this thread and the start of your post ... !!!!!!

    At any rate- since the moderators are currently fuming over the guantlet you've thrown and are burning up AIM deciding what they are going to do about you (just kidding ... ?)-

    I need to ask- are you having difficulty starting a thread? It's OK here to say so. You will find wonderfully patient people here (though profdlp and the other moderators will need a moment or few to come down eight shades of red) who can answer your questions.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Hbi1000. Welcome to Team 93. BTW, I know your area, Asheville. I've spent a lot of time around that part of NC. That's beautiful, lovely country.

    I tried to split off the last few posts to form a new thread. Sorry, we haven't ironed out all the little gremlins from our recent Forums upgrade. The new electronic tag that watches everything Qeldroma does and reports it to NSA and President Bush is working perfectly, but the Signature Generator and thread splitting option for this thread are not.

    Don't worry about the moderators and about screwing up a thread. We are generally very pleasant people and patient (and intensely handsome, every one of us!).
  • hbi1000hbi1000 Asheville, NC USA
    edited January 2006
    Thanks for the background. I do not doubt that NSA is "watching" Queldroma, as she is very open with "secret" remarks and suggestions, and I'm sure is viewed with suspicion as her IQ is probably over 80 (which is viewed as threatening to the existing administration, who do not enjoy any questions from anyone about anything they do (be it legal or illegal)). Gee, I guess I'm letting my Blue State of mind express itself in this Red State of NC (oh, how disappointing, particularly with the VP from this state too).

    I'm hopeful (not sure now), I will learn the ins and outs of this forum, as I'm on the fast track to learning as much as I can about PC's (I'm an old mainframer dating from the DEC PDP-10 days in 1970). I'm attempting to study for my COMP TIA A+ Hardware and OS certification, so watch out world, he comes another (older, but smarter) PC techie. Nice chatting.

  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited January 2006
    hbi1000 wrote:
    I believe it boils down to I do not know how to start a new thread.

    I'll take this one and let someone else handle the EM issue.

    hbi, this is a wonderfully constructed site, but it does take a little getting used to and run through the versatility and features involved. It is just about the only site I've found that has had the courage to allow image downloads- which is just a huge gift for the responsible person without a site of their own or has one that is just too small. You have learned some of the features, but I encourage you to explore and learn as much as you can. That said, I'll give you some pointers that may be useful.

    I usually open two windows to SM with my browser (I use both FireFox and IE- they both work well here, though I prefer FF). One I use for posting and the other I use to browse the site (or others) for references so I don't have to leave the post editting page. If you don't have a second browser window opened up, open one and browse to this post and use it to follow along with the directions.

    To navigate the site, look at the top of the site page just below the ShortMedia banner. There should be a site path line that goes something like this

    "Short-Media Forums > Team Short-Media > Folding @ Home"

    Believe it or not, this line works a lot like a file manager. You can click on any thing between the ">"s and it will take you to that "level" in the forum from which you can drill down. You can also always use it as a guide to tell you where you are. Clicking on "Short-Media Forums" gives you the top level big picture and is crammed full of info you can click on and navigate to. I would become familiar with this set-up and learn how the site and it's levels (and the path line) behave.

    At the Forum level, each forum has a set of rules, and yes, they do vary, so be careful here. I would suggest reading the rules of one or two forums then look for differences in the others.

    To think about starting a thread, (you've done this once already, yes?, but here is a refresher), navigate to the forum that mostly fits with what you want to see or talk about.

    Look over the frontpage threads and see if someone else might not be already discussing your interest. If so, post in that persons thread if you feel you have something to contribute or it is relevant to the discussion. You should also get familiar with the Search tool on the site's menu bar and use keywords. I almost always go to the Advanced Search option at the bottom of the menu. It is useful for when I don't want 10,000 results to sort through. I strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with this dandy feature. You may find the information you need. However, also understand that we know you are new, this is in a large part a HELP site, and even veterans sometimes just go ahead and post anyhow. It's OK, but just know that doing a little work up front can eliminate a some clutter and may help you faster. EXCEPTION: Be aware that in the SVT forum, you must post your own thread if you have an issue.

    Finally, if you determine that your thread is urgent or OK, go ahead and start one. At the forum level, scroll down to the bottom of the thread list. There should be a button that says New Thread. You should get a title prompt and the post editor. Put in the title that most fits your discussion and type in your issue. When you do finally Submit, don't be afraid to edit. Just understand you may have only a small window of opportunity to do so- but I encourage using it anyhow. When someone else finally posts in your thread, the die is pretty much cast. If you do edit, you can explain your edit and there is a box to do so.

    Hope that helps.:thumbsup:
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited January 2006
    hbi1000, just to let you know, i passed on your PM to someone with a lot more knowledge to get all your computers folding under 1 name.

    My wife does all the setting up here and she is not feeling the best at the moment. Me, i just lift heavy weights, lol.:smiles:

    Good to see you're settling in and getting the hang of posting.:thumbsup:

  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited January 2006
    Blimey Qeldroma, are you a teacher or what? Great explanation, thanks.

    hbi1000, welcome to Short Media, this is a very relaxing place to be.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    this is a very relaxing place to be.
    And all the moderators are highly intelligent, resourceful, patient, and immensely good looking. :tongue:
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    Leonardo wrote:
    And all the moderators are highly intelligent, resourceful, patient, and immensely good looking. :tongue:
    .. and the owners.. are just above that list in everyway :D
  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited January 2006
    Leonardo wrote:
    And all the moderators are highly intelligent, resourceful, patient, and immensely good looking. :tongue:

    I think we need a new smilie that says "[sarcasm] Yeah....right! [/sarcasm]
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited January 2006
    I think sometimes the :rolleyes: is the most descriptive smiley for many situations ;)
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited January 2006
    Shorty wrote:
    .. and the owners.. are just above that list in everyway :D
    :smiles: Hint- Murphy's Golden Rule- He who owns the gold makes the rules.

    This thread also explains the peculiar activity at the NSA and with President Bush.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2006
    I got this in a PM, but I'm taking the liberty of answering it publicly since this is a very common question and the information may be of help to others. (Not to mention the fact that other members of Team 93 will almost surely be able to add even more - probably better -advice. :D )
    hbi1000 wrote:
    ...I'm still rather confused about having the Folding process use my machines BOTH when I am logged on and when I am logged off...
    When you use the console version of the client it runs as a Local System service; not as a user-specific process.

    My advice would be to get Electron Microscope III (in the Downloads area) and set it up on your main computer. This will allow you to monitor all the computers on your home network. Once that is done, log off on one of your other local machines and then use EMIII to monitor that rig. I just did that to one of mine and this is what showed up in the log:

    [21:09:26] Finished a frame (281)
    [21:13:21] Received unknown signal from OS. Ignoring...Received unknown signal from OS. Ignoring...Finished a frame (282)
    [21:19:08] Finished a frame (283)

    Nothing to it. :D

    BTW: I see that you are closing in on 1,000 points. Keep an eye on the Notable Milestones Forum - we'll be having a little bit of a whoopty-do for you once you get there. :celebrate
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