What's Your Favorite Motherboard Brand?

For people who are looking at new build's I thought it would be nice to give them an idea of what everyone uses or likes to use. So lets see what you guys prefer and why. I'd love to hear your good and bad experiences too.. Prof?????
I do, however, know of at least one Asus MB that is a real winner!
If I ever decide to get back into the OC'ing game I might change my mind, but for ease of use, plenty of features, and excellent stability I'd buy MSI.
the ASUS A8N-32SLI is also a keeper!
Good Boards, Stable, Great BIOS Options, Easy to Overclock
A7N8X Deluxe
P4P800 Deluxe
Used to have a 440BX P2B-(?forgot- for a PII 400) and donated it- still works
All I've ever owned, all still work. At work we have scores deployed- the vendor has received a few Inop, but of the ones that deployed since 2000-we've had many component failures ... including one CPU failure- but 0 ASUS failures. 'Nuff said.
In order of preference:
Abit - have not built a recent board so have not experienced the bad. Not the easiest motherboards to get set up and tweaked, but once the sweet spot is found, these boards are HIGH performers.
Asus - great compromise of speed, stability, and performance, but not the highest in any of those categories. (But man o' man, I'd love to have the Asus P5WD2, the ultimate for Socket 775 overclocking, so I hear!)
MSI - the boards are so easy to build systems with, it ought to be illegal. it's just too easy! Smooooth, but just too mellow and not high performers. Rock stable, though.
ECS - yawwn. but a good value
MSI - I loved my MSI board, good all around boards with great features.
Asus - This one is third in my opinion only becuase I haven't played with any other brands recently in the past 2 years or so. Asus has not played well for me, but they worked at least and were decently stable. But not a brand I tend to buy unless the reviews are outstanding and no real issues are shown by others.
Runners up: Asus, Epox
How very true. And I'm willing to bet the others might have as good quality records too for ....
I'm with Omega65 here. One of the reasons I like this site- how true! I've been tempted by both DFI and MSI for reasons that straddle ASUS's mainstream approach. Who was it that said, "Where you stand on an issue is a function of where you sit"?
I did alot of research before I decided to use asus. Concensus was asus was the most reliable and stable for socket A.
DFI and ATBIT were close second IMO
Seemed like dfi was the best overclocker but people had alot of problems with stabillity when they overclock though.Had problems that made them have to reformat.
This computer has been totally stable.
I'll never buy ECS again. I mourn the day the K7S5A was made. A friend of mine's board actually shot sparks out the back of the USB ports. Yeah.
Shooting sparks out the USB ports might have made it worth it, though.
But ASUS always provide me with the longest durability and performance.
Asus A8R-MVP
Asus 1900XTX
AMD A64 3500+
1GB 2x512MB Mushkin PC3200 2-2-2 Special
TechniSat DVB-PC Skystar2 Rev.2.3
Samsung SyncMaster 913N
Lian Li PC 65B
Discounting the 80's, our first encounter was Gigabyte. Quite happy with it.
As we became more adventurous, Abit till they fell in a heap.
Asus was a unhappy experience till Sally overclocked it somewhat and now it's stable as a rock.
MSI has given us a very good run for our money, unlike our DFI NF4 Ultra-D.
Building a computer for Sally at the moment with the latest Asus board. Got high hopes for that.
I'm venturing into TYAN territory as of next week. This should be very interesting as i could not get hold of my initial choice, Asus K8N-DL.
Now to deal with 2 procs on one board.
I liked the Asus & Abit the best. Gigabyte & MSI second.
Am going to try the DFI with Opte 170 sometime soon.