PC Cuts Out Under Hard Usage

Hi, I am a new member... hooray!
I am no expert but like to dable and through being a wannabe designer have little choice but to upgrade and play around with my pc's all the time.
I am having similar problems.
I've had my PC for about 2 years.
I run a AMD 3000+ 1.4ghz with an epox ultra 400 motherboard (i think)
512 ddrRam
radion 9200 128mb graphics card
and normal floppy
Dont know the power supply stats but can check.
It cuts out.. no blue screen just dead with front light still on. Leave it for a while and then it fires up again. Used to be once in a blue moon now happens more often usually a few times within a day. I thought it might be overheating but this sounds more likely... it doesn't seem to correlate with using processor hungry programs such as photoshop and 3dsmax...plus i dont even get the "windows wasn't shut down properly message" any clues??????
I am no expert but like to dable and through being a wannabe designer have little choice but to upgrade and play around with my pc's all the time.
I am having similar problems.
I've had my PC for about 2 years.
I run a AMD 3000+ 1.4ghz with an epox ultra 400 motherboard (i think)
512 ddrRam
radion 9200 128mb graphics card
and normal floppy
Dont know the power supply stats but can check.
It cuts out.. no blue screen just dead with front light still on. Leave it for a while and then it fires up again. Used to be once in a blue moon now happens more often usually a few times within a day. I thought it might be overheating but this sounds more likely... it doesn't seem to correlate with using processor hungry programs such as photoshop and 3dsmax...plus i dont even get the "windows wasn't shut down properly message" any clues??????
Jimborae Completely off topic but what the heck is a "Mosside crack tart"
right click my computer and go to properties, choose advanced, and under startup and recovery settings uncheck automaticly restart of system failure, this will force the machine to give you a BSOD untill you restart the machine at your descrecion ( like Win98 )
just to give some PSU stats, i use a Enermax 535W psu and run 6 hard drives, a 6800gt, and an X2 processor, so your dont need alot of power, just good quality, like Antec, Enermax and if you can afford it PC Power and Cooling.
I am no expert but like to think i know more than average and being a wannabe designer have little choice but to upgrade and play around with my pc all the time.
I am having similar problems to superfly
I've had my PC for about 2 years.
I run a AMD 3000+ with an epox ultra 400 motherboard (i think)
512 ddrRam
radion 9200 128mb graphics card
Maxtor 7200 120gb hard drive
and a floppy
**Had a look at the power supply, (think i got ripped off here, It a sun pro? 350max watts**
It cuts out.. no blue screen just dead with front light still on. Leave it for a while and then it fires up again. Used to be once in a blue moon now happens more often usually a few times within a day. I thought it might be overheating but this sounds more likely... it doesn't seem to correlate with using processor hungry programs such as photoshop, rhino, 3dsmax...plus i dont even get the "windows wasn't shut down properly message" any clues?????? I think i will change the power supply, now scared to turn on my pc in fear i will lose everything. Got 2 years of work, mostly backed up, but i am coming to the end of my degree and really need this computer to last me another year! (AT LEAST)
also shud I run a mem test? is there any risk?
Look for a PSU of quality MFG that features a single 12V rail. I'd suggest looking for a used one first, try eBay and look for an Antec TruePower series, not TrueII. You might also find one lurking around a brick and mortar (real world) store if you really want a new PSU.
After the PSU has been replaced run memtest to make sure that the memory is still in decent shape then do a bit of stress testing to check the CPU and mobo. If it passes all of those then you're in good shape.
Linkage: http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41939
I've consolidated the posts from your previous stand-alone thread and the 2004 thread in which you posted.
so we could take a look at your voltages and your temps?
DONE --- they seem very high! (i think)
Case 39
CPU 80 and seems to be rising!
BTW sorry to all for posting too many threads.. was an accident. wont happen again. Cheers for all your advice
The good news is that it would appear that your system has shut itself down to protect against heat-induced damage. We can find a solution for you, I'm sure. Have you tried running your computer with the case side off? That would be a good test to see if indeed heat is the problem. (But I'm already pretty sure heat is the bad boy, here.)
Don't sweat it. We still love you.
do you want brands?
i am gonna power down and move to the lap top this is really worrying me. brb
It would appear your case is not adequately cooled, not even at the minimal level. I am pretty certain we've found the problem, and it's pretty simple. You do not have enough cool air flowing through your case. It could be also that your CPU's heatsink/fan unit has lost efficiency. Is it clean? If it's full of dust and lint, clean it out.
Can you post us a picture of your case, or provide a model name or link for it? We could probably come up with some cooling advice for you. Also, have tried running your computer with the case side off yet?
Also it was origionally for music production and i therfore run an audigy zs platinum inboard and outboard sound card, would this be processor hungry? and heat it up more? here are some pics.
Havent tried with the side off as I am now on a different pc. Do u think this obviously buget PSU also needs replacing?
Step 1: run your computer with the case side off. If the seizing stops or abates, we can be fairly certain that overheating was the sole or prime cause of your problems.
Step 2: if the case side off shows that better cooling will improve your computer's operation, then you need to install two 80mm case fans directed for exhaust at the back of the case. You can get 80mm case fans from CompUSA, Frye's (sp?), other computer retailers, and a 1000 places online. Recommend online as you will pay one-half to one-third of what you'll pay at CompUSA.
Step 3. if problems still persist after improved cooling, we'll take it from there.
my studio is now in a hot loft conversion. I will try some uk online shops, ebuyer and dabs I find to be reasonable. I'm with you on the online value... if only you could tell my girlfriend/ parents etc etc that they are always buying on the high street ! its a rip off.!!
Thanks very much will let you know how i get on... !!!
Obviously alot better!
I'l order those fans first thing, any sugestions on the type or are they much the same?
That is much better. But if you run really intense applications that raise your CPU utilization high, it still may get too hot. Clean out the CPU's heatsink and fan as advised, and then test again with the case side off. You may need to remove the heatsink and apply some quality thermal transfer paste between the heatsink and the CPU top. Off the shelf and even custom built machines usually have inferior, cheap quality thermal paste on the CPU. Quality paste can make a huge difference. But then, let's take this step by step.
CPU now running at 30ish with side off! phew! the cpu fan is making a funny noise may need to replace that as well sounds as if its on its way out.
What temp should i be aiming for once i have fitted the fans?
EDIT: Also check the northbridge heatsink's fan. The northbridge is a chip just south of the CPU. It looks much like the CPU HS/F but is smaller. Those little fans tend to burn out much more frequently than do CPU heatsink fans. Smaller fans seem to have shorter lives. While your computer is running, put your finger on each fan's spindle, one at a time to stop the fan, to determine which one is making noise. I'm assuming it's a squealing noise. Service the bad fan. I've serviced those little north bridge fans before and was able to use them for months afterward. Some of them are the product of very poor factory quality control and were just not properly lubricated when they were manufactured.