Is it worth it?
Okay, as you can see in my signature, my computer is a couple of years old. I don't have the cash for a new system right now, but I'd like some more power. My overall system performance is fine, but the lag I'm getting on games like Far-Cry makes them unplayable. Is a stronger video card the way to go? From what I understand, there wouldn't be any real advantage to changing the chip. (Mine's a Northwood core.)
Anyways, are there any AGP cards out that would last me a while? I heard something about a 7800 or something for AGP, anyone tried it out?
nah, although the cry engine is "designed" for nvidia cards, it wont make a whole big of a difference. Maybe a few fps but it wouldnt be noticible unless you benchmarked it.
You could also do this with Nvidia 6800 (LE) cards. These were the budget cards released at the same time as the GT. You could actually flash them up to 6800 Ultra and have an ultra card with half the memory. I have one of these cards in my game server.
IMO, that's a pretty good price/performance ratio for that vid card. Another thing to consider too, is the ram issue of some of the newer games. I'm not a big gamer and I haven't run into the problem, but some people have seen that going from 1 GB to 2 GB ram has helped on the lag issue with some games, especially when loading new levels.